Model Domain Objects with the Entity Framework: Table 1: Track ADO.NET EF Beta and CTP Improvements.

Removing the ADO.NET Entity Framework (EF) and Tools from inclusion with Visual Studio 2008's release to manufacturing (RTM) bits gave the ADO.NET team 10 more months to add and test new or improved features that contribute to enterprise readiness. So far, Microsoft's developers have been burning the midnight oil to fix bugs and add enhancements to EF and its toolset. This table is a compilation of new or improved features by category for EF beta 2 and 3, as well as EF Tools community technology preview (CTP) 1 and 2.
Beta or CTP Release Feature Category New or Improved Features
Entity Framework Beta 2
Released 8/27/2007
Disconnected operation and n-tier deployment Entity key serialization
Mapping Abstract types in EDM models
Complex types
<Using> support in metadata files
Metadata annotations
Polymorphic results from stored procedures
Business logic
Increased persistence ignorance in entity data classes
Events to customize code generation
Improved connection management for ObjectContext
Improved DataBinding usability
A new event for extending the SaveChanges() method
Queries Better control for loading related entities with LINQ to Entities queries
Additional canonical functions for LINQ queries
Automatic mapping from CLR functions to database server functions
Entity Framework Tools CTP 1
Released 8/27/2007
Entity Data Model Designer and n-tier deployment Add, Delete, and Edit Entities, scalar properties, Associations, and inheritance
Automate set management
Automate Navigation property management
Validate model and mappings using Entity Framework runtime
Entity mapping
Map an EntityType to multiple tables
Apply multiple conditions to a table mapping
Map Associations
Automatically generate of conditions and referential constraints on associations
Map an Entity hierarchy to a single table or multiple tables
Entity model Browser Visualize the model in a tree hierarchy
Relate shapes on the designer surface with the model hierarchy
Visual Studio Integration
Support C# and VB in most project types
Item template for .EDMX file
Model generation wizard
Entity Framework validation on build
Support VS Express, Standard, Pro, and VSTS editions
Entity Framework Beta 3
Released 12/6/2007
Performance Faster ObjectQuery
More concise autogenerated database-specific SQL from eSQL
Quicker view generation
Disconnected operation and n-tier deployment Public, serializable EntityReference.EntityKey property
EntityReference.ApplyPropertyChanges() method
EntityReference.Attach() method
Improved EntityKey serializaation
Business logic
Partial methods in code generated for property changing and property changed events
Load with MergeOption
Queries Additional canonical functions for LINQ to Entities
Additional canonical functions for LINQ to Entities
Compiled LINQ queries
ObjectQuery<T>.ToTraceString() method
EntityCommand for debugging
Entity Framework Tools CTP 2
Released 12/6/2007
Entity mapping Map entities to insert, update, and delete stored procedures
FunctionImports for insert, update, and delete operations
Create and map abstract entity types in the model
Update Model From Database feature for schema changes Double-clicking a validation error selects the erroneous entity, property, or association
Cut, copy, and paste entities and properties
Entity connection string fixup for App.config or Web.config when moving or renaming .edmx file in Solution Explorer
Multiple Active ResultSets (MARS) is enabled by default for SQL Server 2005+
EntityDeploy MSBUILD task replaces EdmxDeploy.exe
Package .CSDL, .MSL and .SSDL files as resources in the output assembly
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