Manipulate Data in the Cloud: ADO.NET Data Services Framework String, Date, Math, and Type Query Functions: Table 3 Apply Date, Math, Type, and String Functions to URI Queries.

ADO.NET Data Services supports integer, double, decimal, string, boolean, and dateTime data types, which the following functions accept or return as noted. Queries use these functions in the same manner as their T-SQL counterparts. str0 is the source string in all cases. Italic text is part of the URI query; data types are arbitrarily expressed in C# style.

Date Functions String Functions
int day(DateTime dat0)
int hour(DateTime dat0)
int hour(DateTime dat0)
int minute(DateTime dat0)
int month(DateTime dat0)
int second(DateTime dat0)
int year(DateTime dat0)
String concat(string str0, string str1)
bool contains(string str0, string str1)
bool endswith(string str0, string str1)
bool startswith(string str0, string str1)
int length(string str0)
int indexof(string str0, string str1)
String insert(string str0, int pos, string str1)
String remove(string str0, int pos, int length)
String replace(string str0, string find, string replace)
String substring(string str0, int pos)
String substring(string str0, int pos, int length)
String tolower(string str0)
String toupper(string str0)
String trim(string str0)
Math Functions
double round(double num0)
decimal round(decimal num0)
double floor(double num0)
decimal floor(decimal num0)
double ceiling(double num0)
decimal ceiling(decimal num0)
Math Functions
bool IsOf(type typ0)
bool IsOf(expression exp0, type typ1)
typ0 Cast(type typ0)
typ1 Cast(expression exp0, type typ1)
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