Use Recursion to Clear out Textboxes : C#: Access Controls with Recursion: Listing 1

Recursion is a great way to access all the controls on a form. If you create an IEnumerable<Control> you can manipulate it through LINQ. Because you’re just copying references to objects, this doesn’t have a significant performance impact.

private void clearTextBoxesButton_Click(
   object sender, EventArgs e)
       var q = from ctl in 
          select (TextBox)ctl;
       foreach (TextBox textbox in q)
            textbox.Text = String.Empty;

public static class Utility

   public static IEnumerable<Control> 
      AllControls(this Control container)
       var list = new List<Control>();
          AddChildControls(list, container);
          return list;

   private static void AddChildControls(
      List<Control> list, Control container)
          foreach (Control ctl 
             in container.Controls)
               if (ctl.Controls.Count > 0)
                      list, ctl);

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