Speed O/R Mapping with LINQ to SQL: Figure 3: Expand EntityTypes.

Expanding the top-level EntityType in the Data Sources window -- Customers, in this example -- provides a hierarchical tree view of the projects object graph. In this case, the Customer object contains an associated many:one Orders EntitySet that has one:many Customer, Employee, and Shipper EntityRef associations and many:one Order_Details EntitySet associations. The Order_Details EntitySet's one:many Order_Order_Details and Product_Order_Details EntityRef associations aren't visible in this screen capture. Dragging the top-level (Customer) node as a Detail View to a Windows form adds customerBindingNavigator and customerBindingSource components, as well as labels and bound text boxes for all scalar-valued fields.Speed O/R Mapping with LINQ to SQL: Figure 3: Expand EntityTypes.
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