TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 3: Contact Service Class

In this final part on test-driven app development with ASP.NET MVC, Eric covers how to unit test the services layer.

Displaying Data Flexibly with Custom View Templates in ASP.NET MVC

You don't always want to display the same data the same way. Here are your options for leveraging custom templates in Views to meet all of your needs -- and the code you need when a template won't do the job.

Oh, CRUD … It's Test-Driven Development for ASP.NET MVC, Part 2

In this second part on TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Eric Vogel covers how to implement unit tests for the remaining CRUD controller actions.

Protect ASP.NET Applications Against CSRF Attacks

Protect your ASP.NET applications from Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks by leveraging ARMOR, a C# implementation of the Encrypted Token Pattern. Here's how.

Inject Custom Middleware into the ASP.NET Pipeline with OWIN

You can easily slide middleware and other custom code into the ASP.NET pipeline by taking advantage of the Microsoft implementation of the OWIN specification in the coming Visual Studio 2015.

Create a SharePoint Hosted App with Visual Studio

The hooks in SharePoint Apps allow developers to streamline the process of creating them without SharePoint getting in the way.

Microsoft Build: Windows 10, Cross-Platform Development, Universal Apps Are Front, Center

The company packed quite a bit into a three-hour keynote that spanned the spectrum of Microsoft technologies and hardware. For developers, the emphasis was on cross-platform app building, with new tools built right into the next Visual Studio 2015.

Managing Asynchronous Processes in TypeScript

Promises not only provides a simple, flexible interface for assembling chains of asynchronous operations in client-side code, it also makes it easier for you to manage parallel processing.

Visual Studio Online Sprints 80, 81 Now Available

Project renaming, a top user feature, now available, as is account restoration and several incremental configuration updates to Kanban boards and Taskboards.

What's Fixie and Why Should C# Programmers Care?

It's what unit testing should be. Here's how to use it to test your apps.

Speed Up Your Application with Stored Procedure and Temporary Tables

Stored procedures can speed up your code by reducing trips to your database -- even if you only have one SQL statement to execute. Here's how to speed up your application (and how to simplify your stored procedure code).

Ajax Control Toolkit Streamlines, Drops .NET 3.5 Support

DevXpress releases Version 15.1 with numerous bug fixes, but there's also a streamlining of features and weeding out of experimental features and functions.

Microsoft Opens Up: A Q&A with Scott Hanselman

Microsoft has been running full steam ahead with its "open" development process. So what does it mean to those developing across disparate platforms? Scott Hanselman explains.

Inside the Azure API Tools for Visual Studio 2013

Azure API Tools for Visual Studio 2013 gives developers a quick path to connecting to third-party REST APIs.

ConventionTests, Part 2: Creating Custom Conventions in ASP.NET

Now that you know how to use them (see Part 1 if you don't), it's time to create custom ones.

DevExpress Takes over Development of the Microsoft AJAX Control Toolkit

The open source library for developing AJAX-Webified apps gets a much-needed face lift to get with the modern coding times.

Add Real-Time Diagnostics to Your Windows Phone 8.1 App with SignalR

Adding real-time diagnostics and communication to a Windows Phone 8.1 application is no challenge for SignalR.

How To Use Resilient Back Propagation To Train Neural Networks

It's more complex than back propagation, but Rprop has advantages in training speed and efficiency.

Attain Code Management Nirvana via Test-Driven Development, Part 1

In this three-part series, we'll build an ASP.NET MVC application for managing a simple list of contacts, and in the process we'll show some of the direct benefits of test-driven development.

OData 4.5 for Web API, ODataLib 6.10.0 Now Available

New versions of OData and ODataLib were released late last month on NuGet.

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