In-Depth Features

Managing User Profiles in ASP.NET 2.0

Learn how to implement user profile management, a hot new feature in ASP.NET 2.0.

Integration at the Edge

We can learn lessons from trading hubs and apply the data to IT integration. See how the ESB removes the distinction among internal and external networks for supply-chain apps.

Patching Windows Security

Get the scoop on Microsoft's series of releases and updates that will tighten security on both the latest Windows operating systems as well as most other Microsoft products.

Books: SQL Server for Gurus

The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals helps SQL Server power users manage their complex enterprise systems. This valuable reference manual goes far beyond the product's base documentation.

Create a Quality Testing Program

Testing is a crucial component of the software development lifecycle. Combine testing tools with methodologies such as XP and TDD to boost quality assurance.

Plug Into J2EE-.NET Interoperability

Your J2EE and .NET apps must interact. This overview presents the standards and available technologies that can help you shape interoperable solutions.

Books: Write Customized .NET Add-Ins

Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio .NET helps you write an add-in customized to your needs. Les Smith walks you through the wizard and shows you how to develop your UI, trap IDE events, manipulate controls, and migrate your VB6 add-ins to the new platform.

Books: Use ADO.NET in Your C# Apps

Learn how to turn ADO.NET classes into tools for constructing software using C# in Mahesh Chand's book, A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C#.

Lock Down Your Handheld Devices

As the capabilities of handheld devices have grown, so have the threats.

Enhance UI Performance in WinForms

You can improve your UI in several ways, using the .NET Framework's built-in multithreading and asynchronous execution mechanisms.

Manipulate Text With Regular Expressions

Learn whether a given date is greater than or equal to a predefined date and how to add to the Expression Editor dialog box's list of Standard Expressions.

All That JAAS

JAAS is based on the Pluggable Authentication Modules model and provides authentication and authorization services. Check out its many security benefits for Java applications.

Automate Exception Logging

You can automate exception logging with one line of client code, control it through an App.config file without recompiling, and use custom publishers to craft cool logging tools.

Defending Against Layer 8

Remember the 8th layer of the OSI networking stack: humans. System administrators must educate themselves and their users about social engineering practices to prevent attacks.

Beyond the Firewall

Network security is more important than ever. But network protection must move beyond the firewall. What new tools are on the horizon to help you with your combat strategy?

Use InfoPath With VS.NET 2003

InfoPath SP1 and the new .NET 2003 Toolkit let you implement business logic behind InfoPath forms with managed VB.NET or C# code instead of JScript or VBScript event handlers.

Enlist ADO.NET Connections in Pooled Objects Manually

You can boost performance in server-side apps by using COM+ pooled objects to cache resources. Be sure to enlist the connection manually each time the object pool picks up the object.

Recalculate VS.NET Project Dependencies Automatically

You can build a macro that recalculates and sets assembly dependencies upon request with the VS.NET automation model, even if your solution uses file references.

Book Review: Delve Inside C#

The C# Programming Language is a reference book that will benefit both beginners and veterans alike. Topics include exceptions, unsafe code, generics, anonymous methods, iterators, and partial types.

Activate Windows Impersonation Selectively

Activate Windows impersonation selectively, determine the update order of DataTables at run time, guarantee the delivery order of asynchronous delegates, and more.

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