In-Depth Features

App-To-Market: Can You Go It Alone?

You're a smart developer and so it's possible to do everything yourself. But your chance of success improves if you build a team to help you get your app to market. Here's why.

Use OData Containment To Make the Easy Connections in an ASP.NET Web App

The Open Data Protocol allows for creation and consumption of REST APIs. Sam Nasr demonstrates OData 4 in a sample app that demonstrates containment, a new feature for facilitating data access.

Designing and Implementing Synchronous vs. Asynchronous WCF Services

Asynchronous services are easier to implement with support of the await and async keywords in WCF 4.5. We look at that, as well as contract-first development.

Working Programmer: Five Questions with Ted Neward

We catch up with the MSDN magazine columnist on remembrances of things past, and ask him what he sees in the future for programmers living in a mobile-first, cloud-first world.

Why I'm Excited About DocumentDB

DocumentDB brings together the best of No-SQL and the cloud, to give you a robust scalable data persistence engine. Here's what you need to know to start developing projects with it.

A Sharper, More Powerful C# 6.0

The newest version of C# 6.0 that you'll see in Visual Studio 2015 improves and streamlines the way you'll code for a "mobile first, cloud first" world.

App-to-Market, Part 2: Refining Your Developer App for the Right Market

In this second of a series, we'll find out how to make sure your product is reaching the right market. But first, you need to work on you before you work on your product.

What It Takes To Get Your App To Market

You've developed a killer app that you know other developers and users want. Are you ready to take it to market? It's time to do some research and see where this new venture can take you. (First in a series.)

Agile Project Planning with Team Foundation Server 2015

Many of the changes to TFS affect agile planning features, for the better. Here's a look at five areas.

Protect ASP.NET Applications Against CSRF Attacks

Protect your ASP.NET applications from Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks by leveraging ARMOR, a C# implementation of the Encrypted Token Pattern. Here's how.

Visual Studio Live!: New Technologies Breed New Uncertainties

User experience expert Billy Hollis points to great deal of uncertainty, and describes the best response for success in such a world.

Visual Studio, .NET, Azure Development Updates at Visual Studio Live!

Microsoft's Visual Studio team live-demo recent enhancements to the platforms that facilitate mobile device and cloud development.

5 Questions on Web Development with Robert Boedigheimer

It takes tenacity, persistence, and maybe a little bit of Tae Kwon Do to tackle the complexity of Web development. It's something Robert Boedigheimer knows well.

5 Visual Studio Questions with Dr. James McCaffrey

Our man from Microsoft Research who was instrumental in the development of Internet Explorer and Bing tells us what makes working with Visual Studio such a rewarding experience.

Parsing the BSON Beast

Like JSON, only in binary format, BSON is now easier to parse with built-in media type formatters that are included with ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Client Libraries. Here's how.

Making the Move to Office 365

There are a handful of decisions to make before jumping over to Office 365.

Creating Custom HTTPClient Handlers

Accessing Web APIs can be easily done using the HTTPClient Handler. This class expedites the development process in accessing data from a Web API, and allows for customizing the client handlers when the need arises.

Implementing Binary JSON in ASP.NET Web API 2.1

Visual Studio 2013 came with a new version of Web API. The Web API 2.1 update includes a host of new features, including support for Binary JSON. Learn how to leverage BSON by building a Web API 2.1 service.

Using Knockout Custom Binding Handlers

Knockout custom binding handlers can help simplify integration with third-party JavaScript libraries. Here's how.

6 Top .NET Package- and Dependency-Management Tools

They may not be sexy, but package managers are an integral part of every developer's work -- using the right ones can make you more productive. Read on to find out what -- and where -- they are.

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