Modern C++

C++ Introspection

C++ has several methods -- including the <type_traits> header and runtime type information -- to help your application make type-based decisions.

Documenting C++ APIs with Doxygen

Documenting your code is a critical part of development, but too many developers pay too little attention to proper commenting. C++ devs have a tool that can help.

Unit Testing With C++

Unit testing is a fine-grained technique for finding bugs. Here's how to apply it to C++ projects.

Going Mobile with C++

A survey of the emerging mobile landscape, and how C++ fits in.

C++ Generics: Meta-Programming and Variadic Templates

A meta-program is "executed" as the result of template instantiation (therefore, before compiled code is produced). Meta-program results are then compiled and merged into object code, including any back-end optimization.

C++ Templates: Not a General Case of Generics

Diego Dagum provides an overview of C++ templates, and how its generics differ from C# and Java.

Improving C++ Encapsulation with the Pimpl Idiom

.NET and Java developers are perplexed about the indiscreet way C++ discloses private class details. Pimpl (pointer-to-implementation) solves this problem by keeping secrets hidden from peepers.

Weak Pointers and Circular References in C++ 11

In both .NET and Java, the garbage collector is smart enough to detect and release circular references. Dealing with circular references in C++ isn't as simple.

Resource Management in C++

RAII, or "Resource Acquisition Is Initialization", has become a standard C++ coding practice. Here's why.

More C++ Classes: Copy and Move Semantics

From a purely object-oriented perspective, "copy semantics" is the right way to preserve control over object ownership. But in those scenarios where ownership becomes irrelevant, C++11 "move semantics" is an efficient complement.

What .NET Developers Must Know about C++ Classes

C++ does things differently than C# or Visual Basic, especially when it comes to class construction. Take this tour to learn about the differences.

Using Lambda Expressions for Shorter, More Readable C++ Code

Even for C++'s ancestor, C, one of its most valued features was the ability to declare functions as parameters for other functions or procedures

C++ Pointers Get Smart

C++ pointers earned a bad reputation for causing memory leaks, but new smart pointers release memory as it stops being referenced.

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