
.NET MAUI Preview 12 Focuses on Quality/Stabilization, Boosts Shell Navigation

Like all big dev tooling releases, Microsoft's .NET MAUI is now mostly getting quality and stabilization attention as the general availability date grows closer.

In VS 2022, WinForms Designer Still Chasing Parity with .NET Framework Version

Microsoft provided an update on its years-long effort to bring the new Windows Forms designer up to speed with the old .NET Framework version.

See What's New for Git in Latest Visual Studio 2022 Update

Four new Git features have been added to Visual Studio 2022 in the latest update, Preview 2, including the ability to compare branches and multi-repo branching.

Infragistics Adds 17 Controls to Blazor/Web Components Libraries

Infragistics Ultimate 21.2 is out with an integrated low-code App Builder and 17 new controls for the Blazor and Web Components libraries of Ignite UI, the company's web-based UI toolkit.

Visual Studio Feedback Revamp Prompts MUCH Feedback on Feedback Responsiveness

In announcing an internal revamp of Visual Studio's "Send Feedback" functionality, Microsoft received a bunch of feedback about problems with how the company handles feedback.

Do You Want a Visual Studio Dashboard of Customizable Widgets?

The Visual Studio dev team is investigating and seeking input on a dashboard to minimize coding distractions and consolidate communications, coding workflow and other resources into one place.

With Many Options, .NET Dev Asks for Tech Choice Help: 'I Am Lost'

At new .NET Tech Community site, a developer sought help with choosing tech for a new Windows/Android app, finding many options to choose from -- perhaps too many.

Visual Studio 2022 Now Does Automatic Code Cleanup on File Saves

One nifty little feature in the brand-new Visual Studio 2022 17.1 Preview 2 is automatic code cleanup on save.

Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Adds .NET MAUI Controls, .NET 6 Support for Blazor/ASP.NET Core

Syncfusion's Essential Studio 2021 Volume 4 has shipped with many new controls for .NET MAUI, also adding .NET 6 support for ASP.NET Core and it's red-hot Blazor component.

C# Fails in TIOBE Programming Language of the Year Bid

Python edged out C#'s bid to be named programming language of the year by TIOBE Index, one of the leading trackers of language popularity.

Microsoft Intros Next-Gen OData

The Microsoft-initiated OData protocol introduced way back in 2007 is in need of an update, the company said in announcing the next-gen version: OData NxT.

.NET MAUI Preview 11 Adds Windows 11 Fluent UI Control Styling

Microsoft shipped .NET MAUI Preview 11, which adds new Fluent Design System UI control styling introduced with Windows 11.

Visual Studio 2022 17.1 Preview 2 Ships

Microsoft shipped Preview 2 of its groundbreaking 64-bit Visual Studio 2022 IDE, officially called version 17.1.

Microsoft Details Entity Framework Core 7 Plan, EF6 to EF Core Porting

Microsoft has been busy with its object-database mapper tooling for .NET, unveiling a plan for Entity Framework Core 7, along with guidance to port EF6 applications to EF Core.

Beyond Hot Reload: 'Live Reload' and More

Will web developers do all their debugging, styling and tweaking in the browser some day?

Bright Tunnel

Java on Visual Studio Code Update Focuses on 'Inner Loop'

In its final post of 2021, the Java on Visual Studio Code dev team reports advancements made to improve the fundamental, day-to-day Java development experience: the "inner loop."

Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 4 Improves Window Management, Search

The problematic Visual Studio for Mac 2022 is out in Preview 4, which adds new window drag-and-drop functionality and improves code searching and navigation.

C# Chasing 2021 TIOBE Index 'Programming Language of the Year' Award

TIOBE Index, one of the more prominent trackers of programming language popularity, says C# is in the running for being named language of the year next month.

Microsoft Report: Kubernetes Top Target for Cloud-Migrated Spring Apps

Microsoft surveyed SpringOne 2021 attendees to discover how they are migrating Spring apps to the cloud, finding that Kubernetes has supplanted virtual machines as the top target platform.

New 'Security Manager' Role Leads GitHub Enterprise Server 3.3 Security Push

The new GitHub Enterprise Server 3.3 release focuses on security, with a new "security manager" role leading several changes made in the same of safety.

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