Practical .NET

Accept HTML and Script from Your Web Pages

Sensibly, ASP.NET MVC 5 prevents users from entering HTML or Script tags into your page's textboxes, protecting you from a wide variety of hacks. However, for those rare occasions when you do need to let the user enter tags, here's how to do it.

Calling Web Services with HttpWebRequest, WebClient and HttpClient

The .NET Framework gives you three different ways to call a Web Service. However, depending on your scenario, the latest and greatest object isn’t necessarily your best choice.

Add a Multi-Select ListBox or DropDownList to Your ASP.NET MVC View

Peter doesn't like them, but that doesn't mean you have to hate 'em, too -- here's how to add a listbox or dropdown list to your View that lets users select multiple items.

Serverless C# with Azure Functions: Implementing Webhooks

Azure Functions can be used to trigger event-driven Webhooks. Here’s how.

Reduce Overhead When Retrieving Objects with Entity Framework

If you're only retrieving an object so that you can read its data, you can reduce your costs by turning off Entity Framework tracking. Which is exactly what you want to do in ASP.NET MVC, as long as you're careful.

Leverage Global Filters and the HandleError Attribute in ASP.NET MVC Apps

Here's how to combine adding HandleError attributes to your ASP.NET MVC application both through Global Filters and adding them directly to your Action methods.

How I Approached Gaining Microsoft Certification

If you’re thinking about pursuing a Microsoft Certification, here’s how and why Peter went through the certification process for the second time, including his feedback on some of the resources available to you.

Exploiting Partial and RenderPartial in ASP.NET MVC

If you're wondering what the difference is between the HtmlHelper Partial and RenderPartial methods, then here's why Peter, at least, uses Partial.

Working with Exceptions Before the Error Handler Does

Normally, you don’t care about first-chance exceptions -- it's only when something becomes a second-chance exception that you start to pay attention. But when you do care about all the exceptions, here’s how to work with them both in Visual Studio and in your code.

Serverless C# with Azure Functions: HTTP-Triggered Functions

Last time I looked at the basics of triggers. Let's look at creating an HTTP-triggered function for displaying a greeting based on a target audience.

Speed Up Your ASP.NET MVC Application with Doughnut Hole Caching

The OutputCache attribute is a great way to improve both response time and scaleability, except there are many times when you can’t use it. Here’s how to leverage the HtmlHelper Action method to handle those exceptions.

Turn Off Caching at the Browser

You can force users to always get the most recent version of your ASP.NET Web page by using the last tool you'd expect to handle this: The OutputCache attribute.

Monitor and Respond to Document Store Events in Marten

It's possible to hook into document store events to monitor (and even modify) behavior.

The Best Option for Selecting Related LINQ Objects

Here's the best performing option when you're retrieving the objects at the end of an entity class's navigation property, either when you only want some of the objects or when you only want them some of the time.

Leveraging Contract Technology for Simpler Applications

If you haven’t used the .NET Framework Contract tools to help guarantee code quality, it’s worthwhile to consider integrating them into your work. If you figured that Contracts were all hype, it may be time to see how they could be genuinely useful.

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