Practical .NET

MIX10: More on jQuery and ASP.NET 4

Microsoft ASP.NET Senior Program Manager Stephen Walther Talks with Peter Vogel about jQuery, AJAX and ASP.NET 4.

Routing in ASP.NET 4 (Part 2)

Peter continues his exploration of the new Routing features in ASP.NET 4 by showing how to bind control properties to both routes and the values passed in a route.

Reduce Maintenance with Routing in ASP.NET 4

You may have noticed that more and more sites have URLs that mean something rather than describing the path to the page. ASP.NET 4 makes this much easier to implement for your site and may save you from ever having to redirect users again.

Preloading Your ASP.NET Applications

If you're using the ASP.NET Cache object, then somebody is suffering when you first load the Cache. Here's how to avoid that and, potentially, save a bit of money while you're at it.

Cool New Features in ASP.NET 4

Peter starts looking at the new features in ASP.NET 4, starting with support for compressing Session data and setting up permanent redirects.

A Modest Proposal on Validation in the Middle Tier

Peter looks at a strategic issue: When to do validation? The answer isn't "Everywhere" but it could have been.

The QueryExtender

Extend runtime sorting and filtering of data with ASP.NET 4's QueryExtender, which provides a single interface for DataSources.

Inserting with jQuery

Peter Vogel continues to extend his client-side case study by using jTemplate to extend a table to support inserts -- and then sending the user's data to the server to update the database.

Deleting with jQuery and Web Services

Peter continues to extend his jQuery/jTemplate case study by supporting deletes of multiple rows with a single mouse click.

Updating From the Client with jQuery

Peter continues to exploit jQuery in his client-side code to integrate an ASP.NET page with a WCF service -- this time to support updating data.

Defining Templates with jTemplate

A combination of client-side code, WCF services, and jQuery lets you retrieve data from your sever and display it to the user using Web Services and client-side code.

Building Better Client Internet Apps

Peter looks at the options for client-side development and the practicalities of leveraging ASP.NET.

Suppressing the Back Button: Just Say No

Peter deals with all the people who want to disable the Back button. First, he tells them to stop asking but (finally) breaks down and suggests a solution.

Maintaining Data Integrity from the DataView

DataViews fire a range of events that you can use to ensure that data is correct before it goes to the database -- and they're especially useful when you're using the GridView or DetailsView.

Dynamically Setting Parameters

At design time, you can tie parameters in the DataSource to a variety of data sources. But sometimes the source for your values can't be set at design time. Here's how to set those values at runtime.

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