Programmatic efficiency is a highlight of this release, with a command-line option for extensions and clearer information for starting new projects.
- By Michael Domingo
- 05/04/2016
New to this type of analysis? It's a classic statistics technique that is still useful. Here's a technique for doing a one-way ANOVA using R.
- By James McCaffrey
- 05/04/2016
Microsoft's venerable RDBMS gets a major update, with a developer-enabled version that unclutters the enterprise database solution development process.
- By Michael Domingo
- 05/03/2016
Leveraging the right combination of object-oriented tools can keep your code simple, even as the problems you solve get more complicated.
Microsoft Azure has become one of the top cloud computing environments and we've got 14 essential tools for integrating Azure right into your development environment.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 05/02/2016
Providers for Oracle, MySQL, PostgresSQL, SQLite 5.5, and DB 2.0 can now work with Entity Framework Core 1.0 RC1.
- By Michael Domingo
- 04/28/2016
Slew of announcements from the company at its Evolve 16 event in Florida include a bevy of solutions to help developers connect to Macs to create native iOS apps.
The JSX tool lets you describe your page as a set of custom elements that you define in TypeScript classes. Those elements then add to the page whatever text or code makes sense to you.
What you can do with most programming languages can be accomplished in F#'s functional programming paradigm. Here's how to handle some simple operations, which might look familiar to you already.
- By Arnaldo Pérez Castaño
- 04/20/2016
The ConcurrentDictionary provides the most efficient (and safest) way to shared named values between asynchronous processes with several powerful methods. But the best advice might be to avoid ever needing them.
Latest updates allows more incremental improvements to work items, such as alerts for keeping up with them and ability to move between projects, as well as the simple act of changing their types.
- By Michael Domingo
- 04/19/2016
The online cross-platform editor is now a finished product, now that the company has appended its name with a version 1.0.
- By Michael Domingo
- 04/14/2016
An updated .NET Native toolchain, Universal Windows SDK Picker, and improved Store Package Wizard are a handful of new features in a recent rollup of Visual Studio 2015 Update 2.
- By Michael Domingo
- 04/13/2016
In part 2, Jason will map the business-readable tests we created last time to test automation code.
- By Jason Roberts
- 04/13/2016
The three most common open source technologies for writing data science programs are Python, SciLab, and R. Here's how to write program-defined functions in R.
- By James McCaffrey
- 04/12/2016