
TMTH07 75 Life Hacks of Windows


1:00pm - 2:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Sami Laiho

Chief Research Officer


Do you believe you know a lot about Windows but you would be eager to learn more? Sami Laiho, one of the world's leading operating system experts, shows you 75 tips and tricks about the Windows OS that you didn't even know existed! You will walk out of this session thinking "OMG. How did I miss that for all these years!" Sami's sessions were evaluated as the Best and the Second Best Session at Ignite 2018 (out of 1,708 sessions), so you can rest assured that you will learn a lot and have fun while doing it!

You will learn:

  • The hidden Easter eggs of Windows
  • How to make your life easier with Windows
  • How to save time on common tasks