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AVIcode CEO's Hair Cut Could Mean Better Times Ahead

File this one under great moments in management. Times have been tough, particularly for software industry developers and executives who have had to weather the prolonged downturn. But at least one exec is putting his money where his mouth is. Or should I say, his hair.

Faced with a difficult market, Mike Curreri, chief executive officer of dev tools maker AVIcode, had put in place some pretty draconian cost-cutting measures, including a stiff 15 percent across-the-board salary cut. But he made a promise at the time that if AVIcode managed to exceed its third quarter goals, the salaries would be reinstated and bonuses would be issued to make up the lost income.

Most tellingly, he promised that if the company beat its quarterly target, he'd have his head shaved in the company lobby. And that is exactly what happened. AVIcode made its numbers, and Mike Curreri found himself separated from a headful of hair. Each AVIcode employee got an opportunity to carve a swath of hair from their CEO's head.

In what has been a truly terrible economic environment, I'm as cynical as the next guy. But I have to applaud Curreri's willingness to take a creative step when it comes to inspiring his employees. I hope to speak with Curreri a bit later this weekend about exactly how his team made their numbers, and what it might portend for the .NET development market in the months to come.

I'll also find out what he's planning to let his employees do to him after the fourth quarter.

Posted by Michael Desmond on 10/16/2009

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