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The Big News Out of Tech Ed

The biggest news to come out of the Tech Ed North America 2010 Conference has little to do with Windows Azure or Windows Phone 7 or Microsoft's expanded business intelligence stack. No, the most important thing that I learned at the show was that more than 10,000 people attended the Tech Ed event in New Orleans this week.

That figure is significantly higher than the 8,000 or so that Microsoft expected, according to a couple people I spoke with. Apparently a late rush of registrations in the past month or so drove the attendance numbers well above Redmond's expectations. And given the calamitous state of the events industry in the IT and dev space over the past few years, the figures are a certainly welcome sign.

My question is, could the positive numbers out of Tech Ed be the harbinger of better things ahead in our industry? Andrew Brust certainly seems to think so.

Were you at the Tech Ed event? What's your take on the activity trends in the .NET development space? And might we expect to see more of you traveling to upcoming events like our VSLive! conference in Redmond in August?

Posted by Michael Desmond on 06/11/2010

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