Developer Product Briefs

Manage and Analyze Data Effectively

Check out these latest VS.NET add-ins, including a full-featured charting package that lets organizations manage and analyze data more effectively.

Dundas Chart for .NET 2005
Dundas Chart for .NET 2005 is a full-featured charting package that gives organizations easy-to-implement, advanced charting to manage and analyze data more effectively. It includes four basic versions: ASP.NET Professional, ASP.NET Enterprise, Windows Forms Professional, and Windows Forms Enterprise. New features you'll find in all four versions include the Custom Attribute Builder, which makes it easier to add custom attributes for each chart type, and data point label customization. New features specific to the Enterprise versions include pyramid, funnel, polar, and FastLine charts, as well as improved user interface support that lets you offer many advanced end-user customizations to charts in both Windows Forms and ASP.NET environments using SmartClient. You can access these customizations through a toolbar or by right-clicking on context menus on specific chart elements. Other significant features include the new Dundas Chart and Data Wizard; a huge assortment of chart types, including all standard chart types (pie, bar, column, and so on), as well as many advanced chart types, such as radar, box, range, and so on; SVG and Flash-enabled charts; smart labels; and the ability to apply built-in formulas to your data, filter out data points, handle missing or empty data in an elegant manner, group your data points, and more. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 800-463-1492

NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1
NetAdvantage 2005 lets you build and deploy Microsoft-style user interfaces for Windows Forms, ASP.NET, and Tablet PC and COM applications. NetAdvantage features the UI controls you need to get projects done quickly and easily, including grids, scheduling, charting, toolbars, tabs, explorer bars, menus, listbars, trees, a dock manager, UI and editing elements, and more. Significant new features span the gamut from simplifying Windows desktop development, to writing ASP.NET applications, to providing 508 accessibility. New Windows Forms features include upgrades to WinPrinting, which features PrintPreview and Thumbnail views; a new WinGroupBox control; WinToolBars, a Microsoft Office-style TaskPane; WinGrid; WinSchedule; WinEditors; and WinChart, which offers new chart types and other features. ASP.NET features include the new WebImageButton and WebPanel controls; added keyboard support for WebSchedule; and new chart types for WebChart. NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1 also adds 508 accessibility to the Button & Label and WinSchedule controls in Window Forms, as well as to WebChart in ASP.NET. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 800-231-8588

VBVoice 5.3
VBVoice helps you create telephony applications such as speech-enabled Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, hardware-less voice over IP (VoIP) solutions, and more. It introduces advanced resource management, broad support for Dialogic hardware, integration into .NET, and the Pronexus Application Console with optional source code. The console permits centralized administration and reporting for call centers, hosting organizations, and other large-scale environments. It allows them to answer and distribute calls to different applications residing on one or more telephony servers. It manages and routes calls based on specified rules, monitors application performance, and logs calls and events. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 877-766-3987; 613-271-8989

Visual Build Professional 5.6
Visual Build Professional 5.6 helps Windows and Web developers create an automated, repeatable process for building software. Visual Build Professional provides extensive support for Microsoft development tools and also works with most other third-party tools. XML project files and log files, which become part of your project's source code, provide a persistent, documented record of how builds are performed. New features include full support for building Visual Studio 2005 projects and solutions with Microsoft Build, custom actions for subversion version control and code signing of executables, and more. $295.
Kinook Software
Phone: 719-481-4128

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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