Developer Product Briefs

Display and Manage Tabular Data

Check out these latest VS.NET add-ins, including a Windows.Forms Tree/Grid control that manages data and helps you display, manage, and manipulate tabular and hierarchical data.

FlyGrid.Net 1.0
FlyGrid.Net is a Windows.Forms Tree/Grid control that manages data and helps you display, manage, and manipulate tabular and hierarchical data. It offers complete database interface management in .NET 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 versions. Its design editors give you control over column and row design. FlyGrid.Net supports XP themes and drawing, with four types of column editor styles: simple, dropdown, dialog, and spin. Key features include Shift/Ctrl cell-block selection, split-view capability, full support of RightToLeft, and numerous drag-and-drop options. FlyGrid provides unlimited levels of nested grids within each row to display master/detail views or hierarchical data from several data sources. The product works in bound, unbound, and virtual modes. Starts at $179.95.
Phone: 206-309-0821


AQtime 4.4
AQtime is a performance-profiling and memory-debugging toolset for Microsoft, Borland, Intel, Compaq, and GNU compilers. AQtime helps you isolate and eliminate all performance issues and memory/resource leaks within your code by generating reports for your .NET and Win32 applications. The product collects performance and memory/resource allocation information at run time and delivers it to you both in summarized and detailed forms, with all of the tools you need to begin the optimization process. Version 4.4 features extended support for Borland Delphi 2005 apps, and the Allocation profiler now supports profiling of VB apps. You can now integrate AQtime into Delphi 8 and Delphi 2005 IDE, and now a double-click in the Call Stack or in the Lines table of the Details panel brings up the Editor panel and positions the cursor at an appropriate line. $599.99.
Phone: 702-891-9424

ASPxGrid and Editors Library 2
ASPxGrid and Editors Library version 2 features a grid with all the capabilities you've come to expect from a Microsoft Outlook-style grid, and it also provides 17 controls to help you offer your customers unified solutions. It features full data loading onto the client, which allows free record navigation without postbacks; the ability to edit multiple records on the client with batch update options; immediate client-side data synchronization between all controls bound to the same data source; centralized client-side data validation; unlimited appearance customization for every element; template support on the client side; and more. $279.99.
Developer Express
Phone: 702-262-0609

CodeSMART 2005 for VS.NET
CodeSMART 2005 for VS.NET features more than 30 tools for VS.NET. Code Explorer combines the standard Solution Explorer and Class View into one tool. AutoText expands two letters into an entire code line or block, and SmartComplete starts where IntelliSense leaves off. The Code Flow Explorer and the Designer Explorer help you navigate complex procedures and designers. XML comments support VB.NET and enforce code commenting standardization with standard/XML comment templates in both VB.NET and C#. You can use the Code Snippets Manager to build code libraries and share them with your team. The Tab Order Designer and HotKey Designer help fine-tune user interfaces. $249.

InstallAnywhere.NET 3.1
InstallAnywhere.NET produces Windows Installer-compliant packages that configure and deploy enterprise-class Windows and .NET Framework-based applications. Version 3.1 features a number of improvements and enhancements, including MSI 3.0 support, major fixes to the Advanced UI Editor and Log Analyzer, a new streamlined registration process, improved IDE usability, increased System Search flexibility, and enhanced documentation. $999.
Zero G Software
Phone: 415-512-7771

InstallShield 10.5
InstallShield lets you author industry-standard installations targeting nearly any platform, operating system, and device. Version 10.5 makes it easy for you to create strong and reliable Windows Installer (MSI), InstallScript, and cross-platform installations. You can use new Trialware functionality to create fully functional product trial versions quickly. It lets you get products into the marketplace as protected, time-limited evaluation versions to let customers try before they buy. The new XML File Changes view makes it easy to create setups because you don't have to use complex methods to update XML files. The Update Service Starter Edition reduces customer support costs by keeping users on your most current product version. $1,399 Professional.
Phone: 800-374-4353; 847-466-4000

MKS Integrity Suite 2005
MKS Integrity Suite 2005 adds integrated requirements management, a management dashboard for management decision support, and flexible e-Signature support for regulated environments. It features full lifecycle coverage in a single solution, single architecture, and single interface. MKS makes requirements management an initial stage of the development process by building on the foundation of MKS Integrity Manager. The new configurable dashboard delivers instant visibility into global software development activity. Charts, reports, and metrics with drill-down capability enable full traceability from initial requirements to line-of-code changes. New e-Signature support aids compliance with regulations such as FDA 21-CFR Part 11 and Sarbanes-Oxley. Server-side audit logging through the MKS Integrity Server captures and preserves an audit trail of any modification of data. MKS' refactoring support lets you restructure rather than rewrite code by allowing you to move and rename source files and move and share components. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 800-265-2797; 519-884-2251

Spread for Web Forms 2
Spread for Web Forms lets you present, edit, and update your ASP.NET data with an intuitive, user-friendly spreadsheet component. Spread offers you powerful developer-oriented features such as a rich set of cell types, multiple sheets, customized skins, paging, cell spanning, and multiline headers. It gives your end users the ability to make multiple edits on multiple rows without round trips to the server, exceptional client-side validation to alert them immediately of invalid data, and easy client-side keyboard navigation. New features include greater cell-level control over data, including cross-sheet referencing, the ability to allow automatic merging of cells with identical content, and more than 300 built-in functions for formulas; more cell-type features, including a percent-cell type for percent values, the ability to let cell types have a background image, and the ability to post back combo box and checkbox cells; greater sheet-level control of data, including the ability to save to and load from the Excel stream object; greater interface customization such as customizable scrollbar colors and sort indicator images; and improved client-side scripting features, including methods to hide a column by setting its width to zero and a method to set column width in general. $699.
FarPoint Technologies
Phone: 800-645-5913

Total Access Detective
Total Access Detective helps you find differences between two objects in one database, including properties, lines of code, and even data between tables. It also helps you spot differences between two databases with detailed difference comparison among similarly named objects and lists of objects in one database and not the other. New features include support for Access 2002 databases, including all new Access 2002 properties; an improved parser to document your objects much faster; and new reports for detecting Macro and Module differences. Other product features include the ability to document differences between an older version and the current version of your database, as well as the ability to detect modifications made by your users to a deployed database. Starts at $199 for a single user license.
Phone: 866-367-7801

Web.UI 2.1 for ASP.NET
Web.UI features a number of controls, including Menu for ASP.NET, TreeView for ASP.NET, NavBar for ASP.NET, Rotator for ASP.NET, and Snap for ASP.NET. New controls in version 2.1 include TabStrip for ASP.NET, MultiPage for ASP.NET, and SiteMap for ASP.NET. With version 2.1, all controls feature a highly optimized page footprint, and all controls now offer across-the-board up-level support for a wide variety of browsers. All are fully XHTML-compliant and ready for ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio.NET 2005 ("Whidbey"). $499.
Phone: 416-622-2923

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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