Developer Product Briefs

dotTrace Profiling Tool for .NET

Take a look at the newest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that you lets you profile your .NET and ASP.NET applications and identify performance bottlenecks quickly and accurately.

dotTrace Profiling Tool for .NET
dotTrace Profiling Tool for .NET is a performance profiler for the Microsoft .NET platform. It helps you profile your .NET and ASP.NET applications and identify performance bottlenecks quickly and accurately. The dotTrace interface provides fast navigation, easy filtering, smart search options, and a source view that all help to improve developer productivity and speed up the creation of applications. dotTrace also features function filters; both predefined and customizable filter patterns; function search that lets you quickly find all calls to a function and navigate between them easily; keyboard shortcuts for all common operations; efficient integration into the daily build process; and more. $249.
Phone: 609-714-7883


MapForce 2006
MapForce is a data-integration and Web services implementation tool that converts data on the fly and auto-generates data-mapping code in multiple programming languages. Version 2006 includes support for building Web services and generating code to implement them server-side, as well as other features for working with complex flat files and integrating MapForce into custom applications. The latest version also includes a highly intuitive graphical design interface, in which you can map between operations in Web Services Description Language (WSDL) transactions by dragging connecting lines between data sources and WSDL operations. A new Web services implementation auto-generates required C# or Java code for implementing Web services on a server after mappings have been defined for transactions in a WSDL file. FlexText flat-file parsing provides a graphical utility for parsing structured text files and incorporating legacy data into mapping designs. Starts at $249.
Phone: 978-816-1600

NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 3
NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 3 is a toolset for building the presentation layer of your commercial-class Windows Forms, ASP.NET, and Tablet PC applications. NetAdvantage features UI controls including grids, scheduling, charting, toolbars, tabs, explorer bars, menus, listbars, trees, a dock manager, UI and editing elements, and more. The latest version includes a new set of scheduling controls that feature all the necessary elements to write a scheduling application for the Web. The WebGrid feature has been upgraded to include Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX). The new WinDockManager features Visual Studio 2005-style docking. Starts at $495.
Phone: 800-231-8588

SchemaAgent 2006
SchemaAgent helps you model and manage advanced schemas and their components in enterprise workgroups. It connects to any standard schema repository and lets you visualize and manage schemas and their components in a graphical workspace. Now, in addition to viewing and interconnecting XML Schema files, SchemaAgent 2006 allows you to view XML Schemas used as data sources and/or targets in Altova MapForce design data-mapping files. The MapForce Schema view displays the structure and details of XML Schemas used in MapForce data-mapping designs, providing a visual representation of all available schema details and relationships within an organization or a single XML-based project. Detailed Schema visualization provides more granular details for each XML Schema displayed in the design pane, including details on the inner structure of global elements, attributes, complex and simple types, foreign data type references, and more. Starts at $249.
Phone: 978-816-1600

Web.UI 3.0 for ASP.NET
Web.UI 3.0 for ASP.NET combines rendering technology with the power of AJAX. Version 3.0 includes three new components: Grid for ASP.NET, Calendar for ASP.NET, and CallBack for ASP.NET. Grid for ASP.NET operates in client, server, and callback running modes. It also features support for HTTP callbacks, client-side templates, and an original paging interface. Calendar for ASP.NET is an integrated Calendar and DataPicker control that features implementation of standalone calendars, data pickers, popup calendars and date-range pickers, as well as multi-month display, multi-date selection, custom days collection, keyboard control, and more. CallBack for ASP.NET is the first universal AJAX wrapper for any ASP.NET control. It can render any ASP.NET control through an AJAX-style callback request, eliminating the need for page reloads.
Starts at $799.
Phone: 416-622-2923

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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