Developer Product Briefs

Find Bottlenecks in VS.NET Code

Take a look at the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that not only lets you find bottlenecks in your code, but also helps you determine their cause.

CodeSnippitsPro allows multiple developers to store, manage, and share their library code samples, snippits, classes, applications, bookmarks, files, and RSS feeds from a centralized Web interface. It features unlimited storage of code snippits; the ability to update snippits and maintain a full version history of each snippit version with a restore option; version comparison; syntax highlighting for various languages, including VB.NET, C#, and XML; the ability to store personal and public code snippits organized within unlimited folders and languages; the ability to display and load unlimited third-party RSS feeds on a home page; and more. $50.
Tectonic Concepts

Ideal BB.NET
Ideal BB.NET is an enterprise-level forum software product designed to be used on the Microsoft .NET platform. It has the ability to spawn multiple boards from a single installation. A proprietary caching system makes it capable of scaling across multiple Web servers while ensuring the cache is consistent on all computers in the Web farm. It supports thousands of concurrent users. You can access Ideal BB.NET's functionality through the API, and the interface can be easily skinned. Starts at $299.
Ideal Science

Proposion Portal Migrator 1.0
Proposion Portal Migrator helps you transfer Lotus Notes content seamlessly into SharePoint environments. It allows users to transfer content by selecting data from a Lotus Notes or Domino database, defining desired data-mapping rules, and writing the data to a SharePoint list. It detects automatically when predefined data definitions can be applied, and it offers the ability to customize Notes and SharePoint data access details as well as data-mapping rules. You may invoke batch data-transfer jobs from the command line or from scheduling tools, and you can view detailed event logging. Starts at $5,995 per destination SharePoint server.
Phone: 978-388-7342

SpreadsheetGear for .NET 1.0
SpreadsheetGear for .NET 1.0 is a Microsoft Excel-compatible spreadsheet component for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Use it to leverage the existing skills of Excel users by allowing them to receive richly formatted information, design reports, specify business rules, set up complex calculations, and provide tables of data in a familiar form. You can convert entire workbooks or specific ranges to a DataSet or DataTable. SpreadsheetGear for .NET offers 235 functions, operators, defined names, data tables, arrays, custom functions, and more. It features VS.NET 2003 and VS.NET 2005 integration, including IntelliSense and Dynamic Help. It features 100-percent safe managed code. Starts at $499.
Phone: 888-774-3273; 913-390-4797


AQtime 4.7
AQtime is a performance profiler and memory allocation debugger for Win32 and .NET-connected applications. You can integrate it into VS.NET, or it can run as a standalone application. AQtime helps you not only find a bottleneck, but also determine what caused the bottleneck. Version 4.7 contains a number of new features. The Integration object, which is used to work with AQtime via COM, now contains two new methods: NewProjectFromModule and ExportCurrentResults. The TakeSnapshot method has a new parameter, Timeout, that lets you specify a timeout for results generation. Starts at $599.
Phone: 702-891-9424

Essential Studio 3.3
Essential Studio features a number of .NET components in one package, including Essential Tools, Essential Grid, Essential Chart, Essential Diagram, Essential Edit, Essential Grouping, Essential XlsIO, Essential Calculate, Essential PDF, and Essential HTMLUI. Version 3.3 introduces new features across the range of products, and it includes enhancements to the suite's Visual Studio 2005 support. It also marks the official release of Essential Grid for ASP.NET, which is compatible with VS 2005 and includes CSS Styles support and a new Web Control-based Memory Image Control. It features support for Preview rows and Whidbey design-time and runtime support. Starts at $1,295.
Phone: 888-936-8638

Lingobit Localizer 4.0
Lingobit Localizer simplifies software localization of .NET (C#, VB.NET, and Delphi.NET) and Java applications. The new version features a full version-control system, advanced reporting functionality, and new tools that simplify the localization of forms and dialogs. The latest version also includes an enhanced visual editing capability of dialogs and .NET forms. New localization validators help determine errors in dialog localization. Lingobit Localizer also now supports spellchecking in six languages, including English, German, and French. This feature has been adapted for software localization purposes.
Lingobit Technologies
Phone: 206-309-5258

Professional Validation And More 3.0.2
Professional Validation And More is a suite of more than 40 ASP.NET Web controls designed around data entry. It features a replacement to Microsoft's validators, and it includes data-entry controls and a collection of techniques that make your Web Forms more interactive by using cross-browser compatible JavaScript. The latest release includes a number of enhanced assemblies that take advantage of the features of VS.NET 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0.
Peter L. Blum

RouteMAP IMS 3
RouteMAP IMS is an Internet mapping and location services application that now supports .NET and increases user flexibility. RouteMAP IMS is designed to help users add mapping and routing capabilities to their Web site. Map templates help you create maps with symbols for unique company locations. You can select map data from data package options, or you can create customized maps with the provided ActiveX, Java, and .NET APIs. You can display and print driving directions and maps, search for a business location within a one to 3,000 mile radius, perform a polygon search, and more. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 800-447-9778

SocketTools Library Edition 4.5
SocketTools Library Edition includes standard Windows DLLs that you can use in numerous programming languages, including Visual Studio .NET, Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi. It includes more than 800 functions, which you can use for uploading and downloading files, sending and retrieving e-mail, remote command execution, terminal emulation, and more. It features low-resource utilization with no external dependencies on third-party libraries, 18 libraries, both high-level and low-level interfaces, support for both synchronous and asynchronous network connections, and support for proxy servers, including secure proxies, using FTP and HTTP. $395.
Catalyst Development
Phone: 800-776-3818; 760-228-9653

SocketTools Secure Library Edition 4.5
SocketTools Library Edition includes standard Windows DLLs that you can use in numerous programming languages, including Visual Studio .NET, Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Delphi. It includes support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Security Layer (TLS) protocols, which are used to ensure that data exchanged between the local system and a remote host is secure and encrypted. It implements major secure protocols such as HTTP, FTPS, SMTPS, POP3S, IMAPS, and more. Data is protected by 128-bit encryption with full support for client certificates. You can use the SocketWrench library to write your own custom, secure server applications. $695.
Catalyst Development
Phone: 800-776-3818; 760-228-9653

SoftWIRE 6.0
SoftWIRE is a graphical programming system for Visual Studio .NET that allows you to create DAQ applications without having to learn a programming language. It is 100-percent .NET-compliant. Projects can be graphical only, graphical plus code, and graphical plus code plus any other Visual Studio library, DLL, or .NET component or control. It features more than 250 controls, including more than 100 new analysis controls. Contact vendor for pricing.
Measurement Computing
Phone: 508-946-5100

THBImageNET 4.8
THBImageNET offers full-featured image processing. You can align, stretch, scroll, zoom, and pan an image. A magnification window lets you take a closer look at any part of the image. It offers databinding capabilities and support for all common raster image formats. Create flicker-free background images, color gradients, clipboard support, a hyperlink feature, and printing support. It is available for VB.NET, C#, VB, ASP, C++, and Access. Version 4.8 now handles high dynamic range HDR color format, an improved EXR reader, and an updated JBIG format. Starts at $348.

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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