
VSLive! FL 2007: WCF for ASMX and Remoting Developers

Discover key WCF concepts for ASMX and Remoting programmers who are ready to begin migrating to .NET 3.0.

Watch the video of the session! (Running time: 1 hour, 3 minutes)

ASMX services (.NET Web services) and Remoting objects are not compatible. They each have their own, distinct programming model. ASMX services are cross-platform. However, they lack high fidelity to .NET data types, only offer HTTP/SOAP endpoints and are kind of slow. Remoting objects service binary protocols, offer greater fidelity to .NET data types and perform relatively fast. But, unlike AXMX services, Remoting objects are not cross-platform. And neither ASMX services nor Remoting objects directly address security or transaction issues.

Enter Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). While it's "packaged" into Windows Vista, WCF is a .NET 3.0 technology that runs on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. And WCF delivers what ASMX services and Remoting objects are lacking. It directly addresses security and transaction issues, and offers a single programming model while supporting both binary and SOAP endpoints. This session introduces key WCF concepts geared towards ASMX and Remoting programmers who're ready to begin migrating to .NET 3.0.

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