
RhoHub Adds iPhone Dev Support

Rhomobile on Tuesdsay announced that its RhoHub development-as-a-service platform will add native support for iPhone application development. The Web-based environment allows developers to write native iPhone apps on Windows- or MacOS-based PCs, using HTML, JavaScript and Ruby rather than Apple's Objective C.

According to Rhomobile, the RhoHub solution lets developers build iPhone apps without having to work on MacOS PCs or install the iPhone SDK. The RhoHub environment also supports the Windows Mobile, BlackBerry and Android mobile platforms.

"Our goal is to allow developers to leverage their existing skills to create powerful native apps that work across all major smartphones," said Rhomobile CEO Adam Blum in a statement. "With RhoHub 2.0 we introduced the ability to use your preferred local editor while performing hosted builds."

The hosted Rhomobile service includes robust data synchronization, called RhoSync, for supporting offline development and enabling quick test and deploy of sync-enabled applications. The solution also provides integrated source control, styling for different smartphone platforms, as well as an object relational manager (ORM) facility and a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework.

RhoHub licensing is based on a monthly subscription model. For $49, developers can build Rhodes apps and sync as many as 10 devices with one production app. A $99 Premium Subscription allows syncing with up to 100 devices with one production app, while the $499 Enterprise Subscription allows syncing with up to 1000 devices and up to three production apps.

About the Author

Michael Desmond is an editor and writer for 1105 Media's Enterprise Computing Group.

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