
TypeScript Hits 1.0 Milestone

It's available as part of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC, and as a standalone download.

TypeScript, Microsoft's superset of JavaScript for building large programs, has been around since October 2012. Now it's finally reached version 1.0.

Microsoft's Jonathan Turner announced 1.0 on the TypeScript blog yesterday. It's available as part of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC (released yesterday) and Visual Studio Web Express 2013 Spring Update. Developers can also get it as a standalone source package, or as a power tool update for Visual Studio 2012. It's also been provided as an NPM package for cross-platform development.

With the 1.0 release, Turner said TypeScript "is now a first-class citizen of Visual Studio." As part of that promotion, Microsoft is taking pull requests for the TypeScript compiler and language service. The next steps for TypeScript, Turner said, are bug fixes, polishing and improvements to the documentation. Turner promised to work with the developer community on all these aspects. The TypeScript wiki has a page on the process for contributions. Currently, only bug fixes are being accepted. The wiki said that design changes are not being accepted yet.

Visual Studio Magazine Contributing Editor Peter Vogel writes a monthly column, "Practical JavaScript", which is mostly concerned with using TypeScript to develop applications.


About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.

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