
Visual Studio Online Sprint 92: Customizing Work Item Fields

It's no small feat to be able to customize work items, right from the Web. The functionality is due to process inheritance, which is a function of Team Process Templates.

Microsoft's Visual Studio team a few weeks ago introduced a new feature in Visual Studio Online that allows for customizing work items right from the Web.

A hat tip to Ricci Gian Maria, a developer and Microsoft MVP originating from Italy, whose post alerted us to the genius of work item customization that gets its powers from process inheritance, which he says is itself is a function embedded within Team Process Templates.

"With this model the original process created by Microsoft remains unchanged, and you can edit a personal model that inherits from the original one," writes Maria, in a blog post (the bolded text is his). "This makes possible for MS to update the "Master" template, without interfering with your customization."

A more detailed description how it all came together comes from Justin Marks, a senior program manager with VSO team, in this blog.

VSO Principal Group Manager Aaron Bjork at this blog post explains that the ability to customize work item fields means VSO developers can now add new fields, rearrange work item layouts, and even delete work items if needed, as well as a number of fit-and-finish improvements solution-wdie. It's unfinished business, though, as Bjork remarks that more work is yet to be done to "include support for pick-list fields, state customization, HTML fields, completely custom work item types, completely custom processes, and more."

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You Tell 'Em, Readers: If you've read this far, know that Michael Domingo, Visual Studio Magazine Editor in Chief, is here to serve you, dear readers, and wants to get you the information you so richly deserve. What news, content, topics, issues do you want to see covered in Visual Studio Magazine? He's listening at [email protected].

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