
New ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 Supports C# 7.3, Adds Initial Blazor Support

.NET development tool specialist JetBrains has launched ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2, with performance improvements, support for C# 7.3 and initial support for the hot new Blazor project, which aims to allow for C#-based Web development.

"Even though Blazor is declared experimental for now, we’ve added initial support for this promising framework in ReSharper," the company said. "For instance, code completion includes all the possible directives, e.g. page (routing), inject (service injection), and function (component members)."

Blazor seeks to provide full-stack Web development with C# and WebAssembly, a low-level assembly-like language that runs with near-native performance and provides languages such as C/C++/C# and more with a compilation target so that they can run on the Web.

"The goal behind Blazor is to allow you to write client-side code in C# with all the support you expect for a datatyped, object-oriented language while leveraging the .NET Framework languages," said developer/author Peter Vogel in a recent Blazor tutorial.

JetBrains added initial Blazor support to some offerings last month. "Blazor is great news for all Web developers and those who want to try something new," the company said. "Basically, it allows us to create dynamic websites without writing any piece of JavaScript. Client-side logic can simply be implemented using C#, which is then compiled to use open Web standards (WebAssembly)."

In addition to the initial support for the cutting-edge Blazor and C# 7.3, announced in May, JetBrains offered this list for other new features in ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2:

  • Performance improvements, including about 30 performance fixes
  • JSLint, ESLint and TSLint support
  • Integrated spell checking with ReSpeller
  • The Parameter Info popup and the Summary tooltip for IntelliSense
  • Navigation improvements
  • The formatter engine update
  • Refactorings UI update

These and many other improvements are detailed in an introductory blog post and a what's new article.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.

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