Developer Product Briefs

DXperience v2007 vol 3, List & Label 13, and Xceed Docking Windows for .NET

Developer Express has released DXperience v2007 vol 3, a suite of visual components and IDE tools for Visual Studio .NET.

DXperience v2007 vol 3
Developer Express has released DXperience v2007 vol 3, a suite of visual components and IDE tools for Visual Studio .NET. In this version, the ASP.NET product line has been extended with the availability of the ASPxScheduler Suite. Built and optimized for ASP.NET 2, the ASPxScheduler Suite includes tools to create Web-based scheduling solutions that mimic the capabilities found in Microsoft Outlook.

In addition to the ASPxScheduler Suite, other major new features include additions and enhancements to the XtraGrid Suite, the XtraEditors Library, the XtraBars Suite, the XtraCharts Suite, the XtraReports Suite, and the ASPxGridView and Editors Suite. Common Enhancements across the ASP.NET Component Suites include search engine optimization-friendly paging, images for Selected and Hot-tracked elements, enhanced client-side API, and a number of other new capabilities.

Fully functional evaluation versions are available for download at

DXperience v2007 vol 3
Developer Express
Price: DXperience Professional Subscriptions start at $799.99
Phone: 702-262-0609

Figure 1
[Click on image for larger view.]

List & Label 13
combit has rolled out version 13 of its List & Label development component. New features include new licensing models and support concepts. Two subscription versions of the product, Professional and Enterprise, will be available, in addition to the Standard Edition. The new version provides new property lists, new chart types, exploded views of pie charts, and a completely new rendering engine. The List & Label object model (DOM) facilitates free access to almost every object property, it enables dynamic project creation or it can be used to program your own pared-down Designer. The export module is now available as a pure Unicode version whereby Unicode texts can be safely transferred into the required formats.

Additional highlights include support for the QR barcode format, which distinguishes itself by its generous error tolerance at a high density of data and fast-scanning capacity. A new feature when purchasing the Standard Edition is that the Designer can now be passed on to be utilized by the end user. The all-inclusive Professional and Enterprise

Editions include support, subscriptions, new versions, and more.

List & Label 13
Price: Standard Edition: USD $900, Professional Edition: starts at EUR 1,160/ USD $1,713, Enterprise Edition: starts at EUR 1,760/ USD $2,600. (Changes in exchange rates may affect pricing.)
Phone: +49 7531 90 60 10

Xceed Docking Windows for .NET
Xceed has released version 2.0 of Xceed Docking Windows for .NET. Version 2.0 of Xceed's docking windows control for the .NET platform features the addition of support for tabbed multiple document interface (MDI). Docked window tabs can be dragged and dropped. Right-clicking on a tab brings up all the expected options (float, dock, autohide, and hide). Control-tab support displays a pop-up window with the list of control-tab destinations. This version also adds the exact look and behavior (tabs and dock-cues) of the Visual Studio 2005 docking-windows interface.

Xceed Docking Windows for .NET provides a functionally faithful recreation of the dockable windows seen in the user interface of Microsoft Visual Studio. With this control, developers can create applications that manage windows with little effort--docking them, floating them, and tab-grouping them. The flexible ToolWindows can contain any .NET control and any number of window groups can be created.

A fully functional free trial version of this 100 percent managed component designed to work on version 2.0 of the .NET Framework with Visual Studio 2005 is now available for download from Xceed's Web site at

Xceed Docking Windows for .NET
Xceed Software Inc.
Price: Pricing starts at $799.95 royalty-free (available only as part of Xceed Ultimate Suite)
Phone: 450-442-2626

Editor's Note: Please send product information to New Products Editor, c/o Visual Studio Magazine, 2600 El Camino Real, Suite 300, San Mateo, CA 94403; fax 650-570-6307; e-mail [email protected].

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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