Special Reports

Resources for Application Lifecycle Management

Check out these publications, tools, and community sites for additional information about application lifecycle management (ALM).

General Lifecycle Tools
Visual Studio Team System Developer Center
Eclipse's Application Lifecycle Framework (ALF) Project
Application Lifecycle Management, Serena Software
Tools Services Framework (also known as Project Corona), Compuware
Borland Solutions for the Application Lifecycle
Mercury Application Change Lifecycle
Visual Studio Industry Partner (VSIP) program

Forrester Research, Inc. "The Total Economic Impact of Using ThoughtWorks' Agile Development Approach." January 2004.
The Inmates are Running the Asylum by Alan Cooper (Sams Publishing, 2004)
Requirements and Analysis, IBM Rational Software

Designing and Modeling
Java API Design Guidelines, by Eamonn McManus
How to design a module API
How to design a good API and why it matters, by Joshua Bloch
Carnegie Mellon University's Community Software Architecture Definitions
Software Architecture in Practice (2nd edition)
Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies
Wikipedia: Architectural Styles
Wikipedia: Patterns

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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