
Building Mission-Critical Software

Visual Studio 2005 Team System was designed to provide a collaborative environment to help teams communicate and work productively.

Watch the video of the session! (Running time: 1 hour, Windows Media format)

Over the past decade, we have been witness to several spectacular software failures. In 1998, a division-by-zero error brought a Navy warship to a standstill. In 1999, the Mars Climate Orbiter was lost because the decision to use the Metric system vs. the Imperial system was not communicated to the team. These two examples illustrate the wide spectrum of ways an organization's attempt to build to robust and reliable software can be undermined.

Visual Studio 2005 Team System was designed from the ground up to provide a collaborative environment to help teams communicate and work productively. Eric Lee illustrates how each discipline—everyone from project managers to architects to developers and testers—benefits from technology designed to make them more productive, as well as technology that helps them work together.

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