Developer Product Briefs

Convert C# Code

Check out the latset add-ins to Visual Studio, including a product that helps you convert C# code to C++ at the project, folder, file, and snippet levels.

Instant C++ 1.0
Instant C++ 1.0 converts C# code to C++ at the project, folder, file, or code-snippet level. It also includes numerous sample snippet conversions for reference. Instant C++ helps with full-scale project conversion from C# to C++, and it assists C++ developers wishing to convert existing C# code resources to C++. It converts all versions of C# code, and it evaluates all referenced assemblies and .NET projects in order to resolve external references. The conversion is accurate, even with poorly formatted C# code. It converts more than 70,000 lines per minute, and more than 98 percent of lines usually require no post-conversion adjustment. The project produces notes, warnings, and "to do" comments. $119.
Tangible Software Solutions
Phone: 604-930-9949

NCache is a high-performance in-memory object caching solution for .NET applications with real-time data-access needs. It not only lets you cache read-only data, but also complex transactional data with relationships. It provides in-memory caching for single-server or multi-server configurations; read-through, write-through, and write-behind operations; object relationship handling through intelligent dependency management; cache clustering as replicated cache, partitioned cache, or near cache; and fast in-memory clustered HTTP session management. It provides asynchronous notifications to client applications throughout the cluster. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 800-253-8195; 925-236-3830

novaPDF is a software development kit (SDK) that lets you integrate PDF creation ability in your applications. It features a COM interface for customizing novaPDF options. You can create high-quality, searchable PDF files while maintaining the original layout of the document, by using different resolutions or enabling/disabling image/text compression. It features password protection, shared network printing support, different page sizes, different printing resolutions, PDF links support, support for TrueType and OpenType fonts, support for ZIP and JPEG compression methods, page scaling, and more. It provides several code samples on how to use novaPDF SDK in C#, C++, and Delphi. Professional Edition $39.95.
Phone: 0040-364-401337

RC Converter 1.0
RC Converter automates the conversion of Active Template Library (ATL) or Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) resources to Windows Form resources in .NET. It generates resource code in C# and VB.NET for both Visual Studio 2003 and 2005. It gives you full control of naming conventions, menu allocations, class names, filenames, size factors, and location factors. It preserves dialog layout and converts almost all common controls. It also converts resource properties and lets you choose your own naming conventions. It provides a log with capabilities to export to Excel and to print using a custom header. A wizard guides you through the process. $99.
Phone: 650-355-5215


Altiris Deployment Solution 6.5
Altiris Deployment Solution helps reduce the cost of deploying and managing servers, desktops, notebooks, thin clients, and handheld devices from a centralized location with a solution that offers OS deployment, configuration, PC "personality" migration, and software deployment across hardware platforms and OS types. Version 6.5 includes new speed enhancements, advanced security features, and heterogeneous hardware and software manageability. It secures management features from unauthorized personnel, it supports Windows PE and Linux pre-boot environments, and it provides tools for hands-free migration. It supports heterogeneous operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Pocket PC. Contact vendor for pricing.
Phone: 888-252-5551; 801-226-8500

AWinstall 4.0
AWinstall 4.0 is a professional installation development system for creating .NET and Win32-based setups. It features the ability to create dynamic folders, COM registration actions, customizable graphics, and support for .NET deployment. In addition to working with standard .NET Installer components, the program is capable of checking .NET Framework version and registering assemblies into the Global Assembly Cache. It also features a new wizard-based interface and custom action DLLs integration. AWinstall also features silent setup and installation, automatic uninstall, and a Setup Builder that comes with smart file type detection, event logging, and a registry key import option. The program can create installation packages in 17 different languages. $99.95.
Lokas Software

Chart FX Developer Studio 6.2
Chart FX Developer Studio 6.2 is a collection of development-only, non-expiring charting solutions for the .NET, COM, and Java platforms. This package includes all of the current Chart FX 6.2 product line. Chart Wizard, Tutorial and Samples Resource, and a Programmer's Guide assist you in creating data-visualization solutions. Intuitive menus, dialogs, and toolbars provide end-user chart customization. You can export charts to a variety of formats, as well as store changes to a particular chart for future sessions, maximizing the usability and readability of your application's charts at the end-user level. The suite features more than 20 different chart types, including customizable legends, ready-to-use color palettes, multiple and customizable axes, per-marker attributes, gridlines, background images, and border objects. $499.
Software FX
Phone: 800-392-4278; 561-999-8888

Clear VB 1.1
Clear VB 1.1 cleans up usage of outdated coding syntax in VB.NET, such as VB6-style unstructured error handling, non-explicit function return syntax, and the omission of default declaration modifiers. Clear VB also allows the replacement of many Visual Basic namespace methods with core .NET equivalents. After analyzing a VB code file or snippet, you can select the types of modifications that Clear VB will make. You can turn each type of modification on or off. Original VB.NET code is backed up if saving to an existing file. $59.
Tangible Software Solutions
Phone: 604-930-9949

ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2005 Vol. 3
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2005 Vol. 3 contains new features and functionality for True DBGrid for .NET, Chart for .NET, and more. .NET Framework 2.0 versions of Studio Enterprise components will be available immediately following the launch of Visual Studio 2005. Chart for .NET and WebChart for ASP.NET feature a new Doughnut chart, added runtime highlighting of plotted data, improved automatic data label creation and arrangement, added statistical support to the ChartDataArray object, and more. True DBGrid for .NET features new GroupBy DataView mode functionality, new support for unbound mode, enhanced style object support gradients and alpha blending, added support for merged cells, and more. VSFlexGrid Pro features added support for multicolumn combo boxes, and AddNew Row is now more consistent with other grid controls. Starts at $599.95.
Phone: 800-858-2739; 412-681-4343

VB.Net to C# Converter 1.41
VB.Net to C# Converter is a conversion program that rewrites your VB.NET project in C#. Variable names, comments, and inline comments are preserved, and code conversion accuracy is more than 99 percent. It converts difficult features, such as ReDim statements, parameterized properties, local shared variables, on error go-tos, event handling, complex case statements, API calls, and more. VB.Net to C# Converter is a source-code-to-source-code converter. Your code maintains its original readability and flavor (including line and inline comments). Version 1.41 features Visual Basic 2005 support, including all the new language features of VB 2005, such as generics, operator overloading, and the My namespace. $118.

Wise Package Studio 6
Wise Package Studio helps ensure your patches and applications are properly packaged, tested, and prepared for deployment. Version 6 offers new features and improvements that make it easy to work with packaging teams, manage multiple projects, prepare applications for deployment, and manage patches. New features include patch impact assessment, patch risk assessment, package revision control, enhanced merge module functionality, distributed computing support, enhanced conflict management, Wise Web Capture, enhanced package management, and legacy setup conversion. Contact vendor for pricing.
Wise Solutions
Phone: 800-554-8565; 734-456-2100

XMLSpy 2006
XMLSpy 2006 is an XML development environment for modeling, editing, debugging, and transforming all XML technologies, then automatically generating runtime code in multiple programming languages. It features advanced XML, DTD, XML Schema, XSLT 1.0/2.0, XPath 1.0/2.0, XQuery, WSDL, SOAP, and code-generation capabilities. It also features schema awareness in XSLT 2.0 and XQuery engines, allowing you to harness the full power of XSLT 2.0 and XQuery in your applications by providing mechanisms for error isolation, simplified debugging, increased functionality, and enhanced code performance. Version 2006 also includes updated VS.NET integration, including full integration with the upcoming release of VS.NET 2005. AltovaXML, Altova's free, schema-aware XSLT and XQuery standards processor, has also been updated to support the latest W3C drafts. Starts at $499.
Phone: 978-816-1600

About the Author

Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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