
ElectricCommander Automates Post-Coding Development Tasks

An enterprise-class solution that automates the build, package, test and deploy stages of software development.

Software production management provider Electric Cloud has rounded out its suite of products with ElectricCommander, an enterprise-class solution that automates the build, package, test and deploy stages of software development. The new module completes an end-to-end software development lifecycle suite that includes ElectricAccelerator, which accelerates build and test operations, and ElectricInsight, which provides diagnostic visibility into the software production process.

ElectricCommander promises to boost development steps that follow coding by eliminating manual processes and the use of homegrown scripts. While notable competitors such as IBM Rational BuildForge exist, Electric Cloud representatives say its product is the only one that addresses the latter stages of software development and builds.

Scaling to Demand
Among the companies currently using the ElectricCommander automation toolset: Qualcomm, LSI Logic and Intuit. Electric Cloud CEO Mike Maciag says the tool helps development shops scale their operations as they support code for an ever-growing number and variety of targets. In the past, this challenge was managed in-house, using homegrown solutions. He singles out cell phone makers as a powerful example of the challenge that also faces many corporate development shops.

"The complexity of their software and number of target applications make homegrown management out of hand," says Maciag.

Maciag also notes the challenge posed by agile development, which aims to speed projects by freeing multiple teams to work independently on a single project, but results in constant change and updates.

"Intuit kicks off a software production process every minute, 365 days a year for QuickBooks. If you don't have a fast production environment, that type of rapid iteration with agile development is just not possible," Maciag explains.

Companies have long provided application lifecycle design tools to streamline modeling, coding and other front-end tasks, but increasing bottlenecks are prompting firms like Electric Cloud to address the software production stage.

Electric Cloud singles out several issues driving adoption of software production management solutions, including agile development methodologies, regulatory and compliance requirements, and outsourced or distributed development work.

ElectricCommander is available now. It costs $5,000 for a perpetual license per managed machine. For more information, go to

About the Author

Michael Desmond is an editor and writer for 1105 Media's Enterprise Computing Group.

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