
Intersoft, Nevron Ship Major Bundle of .NET Tools

QuarX for .NET from Intersoft Solutions Corp. and Nevron provides comprehensive toolset for Web and WinForms components.

Enterprises looking to take a one-stop shopping trip for Web and WinForms components might want to take a look at QuarX for .NET, an extensive suite of tools cobbled together by vendors Intersoft Solutions Corp. and Nevron.

The Web-focused tools include the WebGrid datagrid and WebDesktop, a collection of 13 UI controls for creating rich, "desktop-style" user interfaces. Another is ISDataSource, a data source control that's primarily meant to ease hierarchical databinding. Capabilities include support for multiple tables, improved caching and integration with .NET and QuarX databound controls, the company says.

Other controls in the suite include Chart for .NET, which can produce a wide variety of 2-D and 3-D charts and has an integrated datagrid component, and Diagram for .NET, a diagramming toolset for WinForms and Web projects. The Diagram tools are based on a model-view-controller architecture, according to the company.

A single license of QuarX for .NET costs $1,999. The various toolsets contained in the package are also available separately.

About the Author

Chris Kanaracus is the news editor for Redmond Developer News.

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