
JetBrains Unveils ReSharper 3.0

JetBrains’ ReSharper 3.0 provides improved language support and code-analysis capabilities.

Tools vendor JetBrains has released ReSharper 3.0, the latest version of its refactoring plug-in for Visual Studio.

This edition introduces support for a number of additional languages, including Visual Basic.NET, XML and XAML, the company says.

It also features a cross-language capability for projects written in both C# and Visual Basic. Both types of code are considered as part of navigation and search functions, according to JetBrains.

JetBrains says it has also deepened the product's code-analysis capabilities. Beyond spotting errors and issuing warnings, ReSharper 3.0 will provide developers with on-the-fly suggestions for improving code.

XAML features include XML editing in XAML code and real-time error, syntax and semantic analysis.

One new feature in the area of productivity enhancements is a "Unit Test Explorer" for conducting and debugging multiple unit tests. Another is an improved "to do list" function that can track every reminder, including ones in closed files, JetBrains says.

JetBrains is offering ReSharper in three editions: ReSharper 3.0, a full-featured version; a C# Edition that omits the VB.NET support; and a VB.NET package that leaves out the C# functionality.

About the Author

Chris Kanaracus is the news editor for Redmond Developer News.

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