
IIS Embraces PHP

Zend Technologies and Microsoft optimize PHP for IIS.

Web hosters and organizations have long been vexed by the poor performance of PHP applications on Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS), in large part because of the inefficient way CGI handles PHP requests. On Nov. 12, Microsoft announced it had released a FastCGI Extension for IIS6 and native FastCGI support within Windows Server 2008 and IIS7. The bits for the IIS6 update can be downloaded from the Microsoft IIS product site at

The update results from Microsoft's partnership with PHP creator Zend Technologies Ltd. (see the Nov. 1 news story, "Beta Goes Live for PHP Hosting on Windows"). Eric Woersching, technical product manager for Web platform and tools at Microsoft, says the work Zend did to optimize PHP for IIS and Windows will close the gap with Linux and Apache. "They took away blocks that were in PHP so it would run just as fast on FastCGI as on Apache," Woersching says.

About the Author

Michael Desmond is an editor and writer for 1105 Media's Enterprise Computing Group.

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