
RSSBus Updates Data Providers

Data connectivity provider RSSBus was at the VSLive! Conference in Redmond, Washington, this week and talking about updates to its family of application-specific data connectors. Once the RSSBus ADO.NET provider is installed, users can download connectors that provide direct access to a variety of application data sources, including databases like Oracle and various flavors of SQL Server, and applications like Excel, Access and SharePoint.

RSSBus Chief Executive Officer Hito Gent said his company has been busy working on a version of its data connector technology for use with the LightSwitch visual application environment, announced during Tuesday's keynote address at VSLive! The new version is tuned for Microsoft's Entity Framework data access technology, which Hito said took some effort to support.

"We were on schedule [with our other products] when the LightSwitch guys showed up," Hito joked.

The updated connector architecture adds extensive data caching support, which is critical to ensure robust performance for data calls across disparate Web services. Hito said the cache functionality allows data stored in remote Web-based services to be periodically cached forward to the client, providing ready offline capability or offering protection against a service outage. Caching was an important consideration for the LightSwitch connector solutions, since LightSwitch apps can readily connect to local and remote (including cloud-based) data sources.

Hito said that he expects to ship an updated data provider for Google in August. "That provides you access to all your Google data. Spreadsheet, contacts, calendar," Hito said. Updated providers for QuickBooks and are expected after the new Google provider ships.

About the Author

Michael Desmond is an editor and writer for 1105 Media's Enterprise Computing Group.

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