
New NuGet .NET Framework Packages Prepped

Developers are encouraged to vote on which releases will come first.

NuGet, Microsoft's package manager tool for Visual Studio and the .NET Framework, has several new packages on the horizon that could enhance developer productivity.

As detailed on the .NET Framework Blog, two new packages, and four updated packages, are in the works. Richard Langer, a .NET program manager, is taking feedback on which packages to release first.

The new packages:

  • Microsoft.Bcl.MetadataReader. This .NET package enables reading metadata tables in .NET assemblies.
  • Managed Debugger APIs (MDbg). Also a .NET package, this update enables building standalone tools and add-ins to MDbg. MDbg.exe is the .NET command-line debugger for managed code only.

The updated packages include:

  • Microsoft.Composition (MEF2). MEF (the Managed Extensibility Framework) is a lightweight, optimized framework for applications that need strong throughput, like Web scenarios. The update adds Windows 8 support.
  • Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow. This update, which also adds Windows 8 support, builds upon the APIs and scheduling infrastructure provided by the Task Parallel Library, integrating the language support for asynchrony provided by C#, Visual Basic, and F#.
  • Microsoft.Bcl.Immutable. This portable class library (version 1.1) adds ImmutableArray type back, with unchanged shape from v1.0 pre-release builds. Immutable collections are thread safe and static (i.e., their contents never change.)
  • CLR Memory Diagnostics (ClrMD). This update to the tool is minor, being mostly bug fixes and small features. The ClrMD is a set of APIs for inspecting .NET program crash dumps, allowing automated crash analysis and debugging.

The current version of NuGet is 2.8.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.

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