
Microsoft Updates .NET Framework Repair Tool

Previous versions only covered up to .NET Framework 3.5.

Microsoft has updated its .NET Framework Repair Tool to include the two latest releases of the Framework -- 4.5 and 4.5.1.

The announcement comes via the .NET Framework blog, from the self-described ".NET Fundamentals Team." The tool is specifically meant for fixing problems with the installation of the Framework itself: "...occasionally some customers run into issues deploying the .NET Framework or its updates that cannot be fixed from within the setup," the post states.

With the latest release, the tool, available from the Microsoft Download Center, can be used through a GUI or the command line. Either specific versions of the .NET Framework can be targeted for fixing, or all versions. "The first option is going to run much faster than the second," the post says, perhaps unnecessarily.

Other new features of the tool include a "Log Collection Only" mode that provides logs only for the .NET Framework setup, and an Offline Repair mode.

"Quiet/Passive Mode" is Microsoft's term for the command-line switches. It's intended for organizations that want to automate the fixes. Those fixes may include changes to the Windows Installer service, corrupted registrations or discretionary access control lists (DACLs) on certain folders. The tool automatically scans a system for common or known setup failure issues.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.

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