
SyntaxTree Buy Results in Visual Studio Tools for Unity 1.9

A mere month later, Microsoft's point release of the Unity gaming platform add-on comes mainly with debugging improvements.

Microsoft said it released Visual Studio Tools for Unity (VSTU), an add-on for game developers working within the Unity gaming platform, with what looks to be mainly debugging improvements. The tool is a direct result of its recent acquisition of SyntaxTree at the beginning of the month.

Version 1.9 comes with a faster debugger and startup when working with VSTU projects, according to a blog from J.B. Evain, a senior SDE lead with the Visual Studio Platform Team. Also improved is the way the tool handles C# constructs: "The local variables window is now properly populated when debugging iterators or when variables are accessed inside closures," Evain said.

One of the top requested changes, according to Evain, is how a debugging session can be attached to a game with a single click. The feature is enabled, though, when working with Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013.

This point release also rolls up a dozen fixes, listed on the VSTU changelog.

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