Visual Studio Online Update: Sprint 70
Visual Studio team offers a slew of new, untested features into an update to Visual Studio Online, mainly consisting of Work Item query improvements and incremental changes to displayed information.
Microsoft's Brian Harry blogs about a number of features that have been incorporated into an update to Visual Studio Online, many features of which are being incorporated for testing out in the wild.
"There's ... a chunk of work in this sprint ... that's our next installment in our new open web extensibility model. The most significant improvement is substantially improved REST APIs for work item tracking but the coolest addition is Hubot support," blogs Harry.
The updates follow the official release of the Visual Studio Stakeholder license a weeks ago.
New features are detailed in a separate blog that Harry references, from Aaron Bjork:
- Work Item query improvements: send e-mail directly from a work item form; addition of Alt+Q to step you back to a previous query result; full-screen mode for queries and work items; right-click to open a work item in a new browser.
- Tree control searching: a new inline search feature allows keyword searching through a tree.
- Longer trend charts: Last 12 weeks and Last Year are two new options for trend charts.
- More Kanban boards: There's no longer a 20-card limit, although the example in the blog doesn't specify what the upper limit is for work items being displayed.
- Hubot integration: Integrates with the open source and extensible Hubot chat bot service.
Those are just the highlights. There's also another preview of the WIT REST API 1.0 as well as event and resource versioning that ties to specific versions of WIT service hooks; and ability to view test case relationships to test suites.
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