
August Update: Visual Studio Code 0.7.0 Adds Language Enhancements

Visual Studio Code adds language improvements when working with JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Dockerfile, as well as C#.

Sean McBreen of the Visual Studio team blogs about a recent update to Visual Studio Code, dubbed version 0.7.0, that includes a few language improvements and enhancements to debugging and project automation, and a number of documentation improvements.

McBreen said that documentation changes have been significant, with nearly all of it being updated. It has also been simplified and compartmentalized into four areas: Overview, Editor, Languages, and Runtimes.

As well as the documentation changes come numerous language improvements and enhancements:

  • Editor Settings, Configuration -- Listed customization options in a settings.json file, and fine-tuned keybinding documentation.
  • Debugging -- A few things: a. With Node.js in particular, to prevent timeouts, the debugging process now steps through portions of large array and buffer content in node.js 0.12.x-originated apps, rather than all the data contained within them. b. Node.js by default is passed the --nolazy option via VS Code so that it parses functions inside of JavaScript files and validates breakpoints before running. c. VS code supports varialbles in launch.json. d. Context menu adds action to run code right up to the current cursor location.
  • Tasks -- Similar to how it supports automatic detection of tasks in Gulp and Jake tast runners, it now supports same in a gruntfile.
  • Markdown -- Documentation now fully addresses how VS Code works with Markdown files, including using built-in snippets, previewing custom CSS, making live updates, and using tasks to compile HTML.
  • JavaScript -- Docs now adds topics on EcmaScript 6, JavaScript projects, configuring linters.

The full list of documentation enhancements are outlined here.

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