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The Leap Year for .NET Development

There's an extra day this year. What you do as a .NET developer in just that one day can shape the future of your development for many years to come.

So, that headline and description is clickbait. So is this article from Microsoft's Brian Harry, posted on his blog last week: "10 things you should try on the leap day." It's a list, so you know it's an easy read. All ten have something to do with trying out some form of Microsoft development technology, but the ones that look most intriguing: building a Satya Nadella bobblehead (well not really, but you learn some Node.js in the process), and trying out HockeyApp (and find out what users really think of your app).

If you check out anything on Brian's list, let us know your experience in the comments. And speaking of ten things, here are ten more links I've run across that might be useful to you, in no particular order and definitely not conforming to any particular theme:

Angular2 Tutorial: How to Build Your First App with Angular2, JSPM and ASP.NET (Royal Jay) -- One developer's experience working with Angular 2 on several platforms, in the form of a tutorial

Learn Roslyn Now - E01 - Introduction to Roslyn Tooling (Channel 9) -- Another tutorial, this one for those who want to work with the .NET Compiler SDK

Automatic event cleanup in C++—Nercury (Standard C++ Foundation) -- Nifty tip on event handling in C++

How (and Why) to Lobby Companies to Support .NET OSS ( -- Companies might be afraid of getting into open source, but here's a case being made on the benefits

An Update on ASP.NET Core and .NET Core (.NET Development and Tools Blog) -- Solid foundation article for those who need to know more than the version renaming change

Making ES6 Avialable To All with ChakraCore - A Talk at JFOKUS2016 ( -- A video presentation of the changes that are bringing ECMAscript and JavaScript closer together

How to isolate VBS or JScript malware with Visual Studio (We Live Security) -- Safety through intense scrutiny

Introducing DocNet, a static documentation site generator (Frans Bouma's Blog) -- Simplifying the creation of docs that are hardly ever read until something goes wrong, right?

Use one SSRS Report to Find All Your Microsoft SQL Servers, Out of Date Editions, and Service Packs (Code Project) -- The singularity of search

Looking ahead: Microsoft Edge for developers in 2016 (Microsoft Edge Dev Blog) -- Development priorities at the Edge

Know of an interesting link, or does your company have a new or updated product or service targeted at Visual Studio developers? Tell me about it at [email protected].

About the Author

You Tell 'Em, Readers: If you've read this far, know that Michael Domingo, Visual Studio Magazine Editor in Chief, is here to serve you, dear readers, and wants to get you the information you so richly deserve. What news, content, topics, issues do you want to see covered in Visual Studio Magazine? He's listening at [email protected].

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