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Monitor and Respond to Document Store Events in Marten

It's possible to hook into document store events to monitor (and even modify) behavior.

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It’s possible to hook into document store events to monitor (and even modify) behavior.

There are a number of document store events that can be monitored:

  • Before changes are issued to the database
  • After a change has been committed to the database
  • After a document has been loaded from the database
  • After a document has been explicitly added to a session

There are also asynchronous versions of some of these methods.

Creating a Custom Listener
The primary interface that’s used to create custom listener code is Marten’s IDocumentSessionListener interface, as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1: IDocumentSessionListener interface
public interface IDocumentSessionListener
  void BeforeSaveChanges(IDocumentSession session);

  Task BeforeSaveChangesAsync(IDocumentSession session, CancellationToken token);

  void AfterCommit(IDocumentSession session, IChangeSet commit);

  Task AfterCommitAsync(IDocumentSession session, IChangeSet commit, CancellationToken token);

  void DocumentLoaded(object id, object document);

  void DocumentAddedForStorage(object id, object document);

The code in Listing 2 shows a simple console application that adds a new Kingdom document, retrieves it in a different session and then deletes it.

Listing 2: Simple Console Application
using System;
using Marten;

namespace MartenConsoleExample
  class Kingdom
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string History { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
      return $"{Name} {History}";

  class Program
    public static DocumentStore Store { get; private set; }

    static void Main(string[] args)

      int newKingdomId = InsertAKingdom();




    private static void CreateDocumentStore()
      Store = DocumentStore.For(configure =>
          "host = localhost; database = RPGDatabase; password = g7qo84nck22i; 
          username = postgres");

    private static int InsertAKingdom()
      using (IDocumentSession session = Store.LightweightSession())
        Kingdom newKingdom = new Kingdom
          Name = "Island of Hrothdo're",
          History = "An island of mystery..."



        return newKingdom.Id;

    private static void LoadKingdom(int id)
      using (IQuerySession session = Store.OpenSession())

    private static void DeleteKingdom(int id)
      using (IDocumentSession session = Store.LightweightSession())



Rather than implement the IDocumentSessionListener interface, the helper abstract base class DocumentSessionListenerBase can be inherited from instead and selected methods overridden. Listing 3 shows a simple implementation that overrides the BeforeSaveChanges and DocumentLoaded methods.

Listing 3: CustomDocumentSessionListener
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Marten;
using Marten.Services;

namespace MartenConsoleExample
  class CustomDocumentSessionListener : DocumentSessionListenerBase
    public override void BeforeSaveChanges(IDocumentSession session)
      IUnitOfWork pendingChanges = session.PendingChanges;

      IEnumerable<Kingdom> pendingKingdomInserts = pendingChanges.InsertsFor<Kingdom>();
      IEnumerable<Kingdom> pendingKingdomUpdates = pendingChanges.UpdatesFor<Kingdom>();
      IEnumerable<IDeletion> pendingKingdomDeletes = pendingChanges.DeletionsFor<Kingdom>();

      Console.WriteLine("Pending inserts:");
      foreach (Kingdom kingdom in pendingKingdomInserts)
        Console.WriteLine($" - {kingdom}");

      Console.WriteLine("Pending updates:");
      foreach (Kingdom kingdom in pendingKingdomUpdates)
        Console.WriteLine($" - {kingdom}");

      Console.WriteLine("Pending deletes:");
      foreach (IDeletion kingdom in pendingKingdomDeletes)
        Console.WriteLine($" - {kingdom}");

    public override void DocumentLoaded(object id, object document)
      Console.WriteLine($"Document loaded: {document}");

Configuring Document Session Listeners
To actually make use of the CustomDocumentSessionListener it must be configured in the document store. The following code shows a modified CreateDocumentStore method that adds a new instance of the custom listener:

private static void CreateDocumentStore()
  Store = DocumentStore.For(configure =>
      "host = localhost; database = RPGDatabase; password = g7qo84nck22i; 
      username = postgres");

    // Add listener to document store - can add multiple listeners if required
        configure.Listeners.Add(new CustomDocumentSessionListener());

When the application is executed now, the custom code in the BeforeSaveChanges and DocumentLoaded methods will be executed as the following console output demonstrates:

Pending inserts:
 - Island of Hrothdo're An island of mystery ...
Pending updates:
Pending deletes:
Document loaded: Island of Hrothdo're An island of mystery ...
Pending inserts:
Pending updates:
Pending deletes:
 - Delete MartenConsoleExample.Kingdom with Id 35001: delete from public.mt_doc_kingdom where id = ?

To learn more about Marten, check out the documentation and the series of articles on my Don’t Code Tired blog.

About the Author

Jason Roberts is a Microsoft C# MVP with over 15 years experience. He writes a blog at, has produced numerous Pluralsight courses, and can be found on Twitter as @robertsjason.

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