
VS Code Adds JUnit 5 Testing Support, More Java Functionality

Visual Studio Code developers have asked for support for more test frameworks and Microsoft said it has responded in kind, announcing initial support for JUnit 5 this week.

The VS Code team previously added support for JUnit 4 to its Java Test Runner extension

Program Manager Xiaokai He said developers then suggested the code editor support other test frameworks, like JUnit 5 and TestNG, and the team has answered by adding functionality for running and debugging test cases and generating test reports for the former.

The Java Test Runner extension, still in preview, has been installed 482,254 times as of this writing, earning a perfect 5.0 rating from four developers. It works with Language Support for Java by Red Hat and Debugger for Java to help run and debug Java test cases.

He also announced other new features for programming Java in VS Code, including expression evaluation-based breakpoints. "After introducing expression evaluation in our January release for the Java debugger extension, we are bringing the functionality to conditional breakpoints," he said. "Now, you can set your breakpoint to break when an expression evaluates to true. We believe this could be a very useful feature when debugging your Java application using Visual Studio Code."

Also announced were several other tweaks to Java Test Runner and other Java-related extensions, including Tomcat and Maven. You can read more about those in this post.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.

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