
JetBrains Updates ReSharper Visual Studio Extension and Rider, an Alternative .NET IDE

JetBrains, a .NET development specialist, continues to cater to developers who prefer to code in the Visual Studio IDE or those who would rather use an alternative IDE.

For the former, the company announced ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1, a Visual Studio extension. For the latter, JetBrains unveiled Rider 2018.1, a cross-platform .NET IDE.

Rider was introduced last August, using the company's popular IntelliJ IDEA as a shell and incorporating its ReSharper technology for various automated productivity tasks.

Rider lets developers use Windows, Mac and Linux machines with many of Visual Studio's project types, including ASP.NET, .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin and Unity applications. Further matching up with Visual Studio, those project can be written with C#, VB.NET, F#, ASP.NET (Razor), JavaScript, TypeScript, XAML, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, JSON and SQL.

Along with incorporating the latest features from ReSharper and IntelliJ, the Rider release features highlights such as:

  • First-time support for Roslyn analyzers and Entity Framework
  • XAML previews
  • Better Unity integration
  • Improved debugging via a Memory view and other tweaks
  • NuGet improvements such as authenticating against private NuGet feeds
  • Evolving F# support focused on file management, scripting and more

As noted, Rider includes functionality found in the ReSharper extension, which last August added support for .NET Core 2.0, Microsoft's cross-platform, open source, and modular .NET development platform for creating Web apps, microservices, libraries and console applications on Windows, Linux and Mac machines.

ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1, meanwhile, features:

  • A full understanding of the latest ins and outs of C# 7.2, along with enhanced support for previous versions of the programming language
  • Navigation improvements touching upon Go to File Member, searching Recent Files, Search Everywhere and more
  • Improvements to included ReSharper Ultimate tools such as C++, dotCover, dotMemory, dotPeek and dotTrace.

More information, including pricing, can be found here for Rider and here for ReSharper.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.

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