Microsoft Squeezes In One More Surprise .NET Core 3.0 Preview: RC1
After saying .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9 was the final preview before next week's official general availability (GA) launch, Microsoft today issued a surprise Release Candidate 1 (RC1) offering.
.NET Core 3.0 is a long-awaited, important milestone on the company's transition from the traditional Windows-only .NET Framework to a more modern, open source implementation. Next year, everything will be consolidated into one .NET 5 framework.
The RC1 was necessitated by today's release of Visual Studio 2019 16.3 Preview 4, which is synced with the .NET Core SDK.
"It is critical that the .NET Core SDK version that is part of any Visual Studio release includes the same toolset in order to deliver a compatible experience in all scenarios," Microsoft said.
"We should have realized that there was a high likelihood that we might need to release changes to accommodate another Visual Studio preview. Making fixes in the .NET toolset like this is standard operating procedure. We could have released a new .NET Core SDK and only delivered it via Visual Studio, however, we've broken people in the (now distant) past with that approach. As a result, when we release a new .NET Core SDK, we make it available for everyone in all the places."
Predictably, nothing much is new as the dev team focuses on polishing up existing features.
On the ASP.NET Core 3.0 side of things (which includes Blazor), Microsoft said "This release contains only a handful of bug fixes and closely represents what we expect to release for .NET Core 3.0."
The official GA release date will be Sept. 23 during the online .NET Conf.
About the Author
David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.