How I Created a RavenDB Python Client

You might be surprised how easy it was to port this NoSQL database for .NET to the Python language.

16 New Tools and Extensions for Visual Studio

The tools and extensions keep on coming, so here's another round-up of new releases. You keep building extensions, we'll keep sharing them with the Visual Studio community.

Realities of Cross-Platform Development: How Platform-Specific Can You Go?

The goal of one tool for every platform isn't quite a reality yet, but you can get close. Here's what you can accomplish so far with Xamarin tools.

Do You Know the Answers to These Hanselman Questions?

Back when he had a job, Peter used to hire developers. When he did, there were three questions he got from Scott Hanselman's blog, way back at the beginning of the .NET Framework that he's still asking today.

Azure Service Fabric on Linux Preview at Microsoft Ignite

At Microsoft's conference later this month, it will show off the microservice-based ALM too. It won't have Visual Studio support, but developers will be able to use Linux dev tools to allow Service Fabric to tap into Linux VMs.

ASP.NET Core, .NET Core, EF Core 1.0.1 Updates

Among the list of bug fixes is one that squashes a potential security issue with ASP.NET Core View Component that can result in an elevation of privilege on systems.

Custom Work Item Types Now a Thing in Visual Studio Team Services Sprint 105

Full process customization gets nearer to reality with the ability to create custom work item types. Plus, work item history and release management get more refined in this month's Web release.

Tagged Unions, More Literals Previewed in TypeScript 2.0 RC

This TypeScript 2.0 release candidate shows off a few new features, such as tagged unions and support for more literal types, and flexes itself beyond excludes in the config file with support for globs and includes. Bonus: It's "stable enough for general use," says Microsoft.

What's In Store for C# 7.0

Developers who have been taking Visual Studio '15' Preview through its paces are getting a good look at a number of key C# 7.0 features, such as tuples and pattern matching.

With ASP.NET MVC and Data Transfer Objects, The Bigger the Better

Create the best object for moving data from your Controller to your View.

Fit, Finish Features Are Highlights in Visual Studio 15 Preview 4

Many of the new features previewed in the IDE -- setup engine, revamped the Start Page, quick launch from clone, etc. -- have been enhanced and improved. Dozens of language-specific improvements are also embedded in this fourth preview.

Reduce Trips to the Database Service with EF.E's Future Queries

One way to slow down your application is to make multiple trips to the database. Here's a way to cut those trips in half (at least) and it has to do with the EntityFramework.Extended library.

PowerShell on Linux? It's About Time

Microsoft is open sourcing its popular scripting language and porting it to the Linux and Mac OSX platforms. PowerShell capabilities will also reach into the cloud via extensions for Microsoft Operations Management Suite.

17 New Extensions for Visual Studio 2015

Here's a round-up of the most recently released extensions for Visual Studio. There's something here for everyone, from starting a new project to deploying your code.

Visual Studio 2015 Approaching Single Sign-On Nirvana

It's not quite there yet, but Visual Studio 2015 has improved the authentication process so that developers aren't forced to sign into it more than twice a day.

What's In Xamarin for Visual Studio Developers?

Developer evangelist James Montemagno explains the benefits that developers will derive in the coming months as a result of the company's acquisition by Microsoft earlier in the year (one hint: open source). He also doesn't hide his affinity for a certain mobile platform.

R Language Basic Data Structures

Vectors, lists, arrays, matrices and data frames -- a look at five of the most fundamental data structures built into R.

Progress Report: The Open Microsoft Developer Platform

At Visual Studio Live! on Tuesday, Microsoft's Amanda Silver offered up a state of the Microsoft development stack, noting the gains made by open sourcing its tools.

Team Foundation Server 15 RC1 Trots Out New UI

A release candidate for TFS '15' comes with UI changes on the Web side and a slew of improvements to Agile planning capabilities, Git, Build, and Release Management, to name a few (as well gobs of bug fixes).

3 .NET Experts You Oughta Know

You can get lost looking for good .NET blogs among the several dozen good ones online right now. Here are three -- from Nick Chamberlain, Thomas Levesque, and Tony Sneed -- that are worthy of your attention right now.

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