Roslyn Update: The State of the .NET Compiler Platform

Now that Visual Studio 2015 is upon us, here's a brief overview of the capabilities of the .NET Compiler Platform.

Domain-Driven Design: Everything You Believe Is Wrong!

Domain-Driven Design claims that it provides a strategy for building applications that will grow and evolve over time without collapsing under their own complexity. It does that by upsetting some conventional wisdom.

TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 5: Client-Side JavaScript

Let's wrap up this series on TDD for ASP.NET MVC and talk about the view layer via JavaScript.

Generate Reliable URLs in ASP.NET MVC AJAX Calls

You've moved your ASP.NET MVC application into production and all of your lovely AJAX calls have started failing. The solution is to ensure the URLs you're using in your AJAX calls are absolutely correct.

Dynatrace 6.2 Gives .NET Devs a Deep Dive into App Performance

The performance monitoring suite adds new components that provide for deeper looks at applications as well as the user experience with those apps.

Beta for ASP.NET 5 Available on NuGet

Microsoft recommends developers get ASP.NET 5 beta5 that was released earlier this week as an in-place upgrade to beta4, as it contains numerous changes to the .NET Execution Engine, ASP.NET and MVC 6.

July 20: Visual Studio 2015, TFS 2015 and .NET 4.6 To Be Released Online

Microsoft's programming tools suite features get locked for its release to manufacturing later this month, and the company will simultaneously hold a number of online events and demos to formally introduce the tools to the world.

Even Better Data Typing with TypeScript 1.4

In TypeScript 1.4, you get type-safe support even when you may be working with multiple types, better type checking when inferring types and aliases for type definitions.

Fire OS 5 Preview Opens Up New Options for .NET Developers

Amazon opening up its Android-based tablet app platform means developers can target their apps for yet another revenue opportunity.

TDD for ASP.NET MVC Part 4: Unit Testing View Model Validation

How to unit test view model validation, focusing on the controller when the model is bound to a controller action.

Handling Bad URLs in ASP.NET MVC

If users enter an invalid URL, then ASP.NET MVC will handle the problem by issuing a generic HTTP error. Here's how to give users more support (plus some advice on avoiding the problem altogether).

Compiled Data Binding in the Universal Windows Platform

Nick Randolph investigates the inner workings of the new compiled data binding support available to Windows platform developers in the Universal Windows Platform.

Visual Studio Application Insights Pricing Discounted for Volume Users

Microsoft announced pricing cuts for volume users starting June 1 while Application Insights is in public preview.

From Austin: Microsoft Open Source Development Updates for 2015

Microsoft's Jay Schmelzer kicks off Visual Studio Live! in Austin, Texas highlighting the company's latest open source efforts within Visual Studio 2015 and the .NET Framework.

Preview of Project System Extensibility SDK for Visual Studio 2015

Project System Extensibility SDK improves upon Visual Studio Managed Package Framework for Projects' process for project system plug-in development.

TypeScript Futures

Now that Google is adopting TypeScript as the development tool for Angular 2, TypeScript 1.5 is going to gain some functionality driven by features in Google AtScript. But there's more in the next version of TypeScript than just AtScript features.

New Open Source Project: Windows Communication Foundation

The newest work-in-progress WCF that's targeting .NET Core is now being open sourced on GitHub.

Leveraging Custom ASP.NET MVC Templates to Support Real-World Views

In the real world, you'll often need to display constant and repeating data, a.k.a. Master/Detail pages. Custom templates are the cleanest, simplest way for you to manage them.

Creating SharePoint Application Pages with Visual Studio

SharePoint Application Pages provide truly flexible functionality across all the sites within a SharePoint front end. You can use Visual Studio to create those pages, with the added bonus of securing the content during development.

DevExpress TestCafe Updated to 15.1

New features in this version include the automation of screen caps of Web pages being tested and customizable test result reports.

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