Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 Nears Completion

A release candidate that rolls up the most recent features -- work item tracking improvements, addition of the Stakeholder license, Git-based pull requests/code reviews -- bug fixes, and issues is a prelude to the final version expected in the coming months.

Building a Useful HTML Helper for ASP.NET MVC Views

Creating a full-featured extension for the ASP.NET MVC HtmlHelper class sounds like a lot of work. But, because of the way the Microsoft .NET Framework works, it's almost trivially easy. To show that, here's an EditBlockFor method that adds a label, a textbox and a validation message to your ASP.NET View.

Add Azure Active Directory Support to Azure Mobile Services-Enabled Windows Phone Apps

Windows Phone applications can use Azure Active Directory to authenticate users and authorize access to Azure Mobile Services. Nick Randolph walks through the process, step by step.

Visual Studio 14 Update: CTP 4 Slims Down

Fourth in line of public previews comes with improvements to ASP.NET vNext, the Common Language Runtime, and C++ debugging and C# language constructs.

vNext: What's in It for You?

Here's a grab bag of what you might find useful in the next version of the .NET Framework. It's good news for everyone but ASP.NET Web Form developers.

Responding to Events with TypeScript and Backbone

Peter upgrades his Backbone/Typescript to respond to the event raised when the user selects an item in a dropdown list by retrieving related data from a Web API service.

Splitting Tables To Improve Performance: A Designer-Based Solution

Peter returns to improve performance by splitting a single table into multiple entities, but this time, he implements his solution using the Entity Framework 6 designer.

Splitting Tables in Entity Framework 6 to Improve Performance

There are some occasions when using Entity Framework can really hurt you: When you have tables with hundreds of columns or tables with large payloads. Here's how to get EF6 to do the right thing.

Web API Documentation Tools

A look at some of the tools available to automate the creation of documentation for your Web API.

Sept. Patch Tuesday Includes .NET Fixes

Two issues related to the .NET Framework and ASP.NET are included in Microsoft's monthly security bulletin release.

Creating Custom HTTPClient Handlers

Accessing Web APIs can be easily done using the HTTPClient Handler. This class expedites the development process in accessing data from a Web API, and allows for customizing the client handlers when the need arises.

How To Manage Asynchronous Tasks Using the Task Object

You want the responsiveness that asynchronous programming in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 provides, but also need your asynchronous methods to work with other code in your application. Here's how the Task object answers all of your problems.

.NET 4 Versions End of Life Here Before Devs Know It

.NET vNext isn't here just yet, but Microsoft wants developers to move on to .NET Framework 4.5.2 as soon as possible, with support for versions 4 up to 4.5.1 ending mid-January 2016.

Mulesoft AnyPoint Gets Native with .NET

New version of middleware integration platform integrates directly with .NET-written or -supported applications.

Retrieving Data with Backbone and TypeScript

Peter creates an AJAX-enabled application using TypeScript with Backbone that talks to a Web API service. He also upgrades to the latest version of Backbone TypeScript support, causing several things to break -- but it does result in better, simpler code.

Azure Mobile Services .NET Adds CORS Support, Better Authentication

Support for cross-origin resource sharing now built in via the ASP.NET Web API.

Lost in Translation

After Wayne's employer decided to bring some outsourced code back in house, he discovered that developers in Kerbleckistan were doing some serious innovating in the science of passing parameters.

Test-Driven Development with Entity Framework 6

You can completely disconnect your test code from your database with Entity Framework 6 in .NET and Visual Studio. You just need a little bit of custom code for your application, along with some boilerplate code.

Microsoft Creates Feedback Site for API Requests

An old Silverlight feature is the top vote-getter so far on UserVoice.

Visual Studio '14' CTP Released

It's a preview of the next version of the IDE, expected to hit in 2015.

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