Big Data and SQL Server: Disruption or Harmony?

By responding to potential threats with thoughtfulness, and a zeal to add value, SQL and Big Data could be big business for Redmond.

DevExpress Unleashes New Controls for ASP.NET

The latest edition of the control suite for ASP.NET offers almost every kind of control that a developer would need -- with one-third of the controls supporting ASP.NET MVC.

Bulletin Released for ASP.NET Security Flaw

The vulnerability in the .NET Framework could lead to elevation of privilege attack.

Salary Survey: Microsoft Developers Enjoy Good Pay, Job Satisfaction

Visual Studio Magazine's first-ever survey shows high salaries and a strong future for Microsoft-focused developers.

Exploiting the HTML5 Canvas with jqChart

jqChart for ASP.NET MVC leverages HTML5 to deliver more responsive, scalable charting to the browser -- and throws in an HTML helper for ASP.NET MVC developers.

Test-Driven Development, Generate from Usage and Continuous Testing

Use Test-Driven Development, generate from usage and a free Visual Studio add-in to let you spend more time doing what programmers want to do: writing code that works.

Integrating DataViews with Multiple Cascading DropDown Lists

Peter Vogel solves a reader's problem by integrating data from multiple dropdown lists, the FormView and some Ajax magic that calls code in a method in an ASPX page.

Integrating Ajax Code into the ASP.NET Validation Infrastructure

Here's how to integrate the ASP.NET CustomValidator control with client-side code to create a page that uses Ajax and server-side code to validate data at the browser.

Tracking Memory Problems with SciTech .NET Memory Profiler

Memory Profiler provides you with the tools to track down both unreleased and unmanaged resources and to find forgotten references that are soaking up memory.

High-Performance ASP.NET Caching

Crafting a caching strategy is critical to building effective Web apps. It's only possible when you know what options are available and how to integrate them.

Recognizing Mobile Browsers

ASP.NET 4 upgrades the support for detecting browser capabilities with profiles for the latest mobile browsers. The good news is that you can use that new information with older versions of ASP.NET.

Mono for Android UI Blueprint

A good first impression is critical for an Android app. Learn the principles of Android UI design.

Silverlight Skills Carry Over to Windows 8 'Metro Style' Apps

Windows 8 is an early preview, but has enough of its shape to show XAML developers that their skills are applicable.

Spreadsheets for the Web with Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells gives you Excel-like functionality in your ASP.NET or Windows Forms application.

Caching in on HTML5 Local Storage

HTML5 introduces client-side caching for local and session storage. Learn how to boost your app's performance through the new functionality.

Developer Recommendations from BUILD

Joe Kunk sifts through the Windows 8 announcements at BUILD and offers advice on next steps.

WebSockets for Faster, More Scalable Ajax Applications

If you want to call a service you can—but the service can't call you back. WebSockets offers the potential for real, two way communications -- and it's as simple as calling a Web Service.

Chocolatey Goodness: A Sweet Installer

Chocolatey is a powerful installation program for open-source software.

Using MEF to Retrieve Connection Strings

Rather than try to ensure that he's getting the right config file for his production and test systems, Peter Vogel lets the application configure itself, using the Managed Extensibility Framework to enable automatic selection of the right connection string

Using the Form View with Any Data Collection

The ASP.NET DataViews are powerful tools when coupled with a DataSource. But you can skip the DataSource and use the DataViews to handle displaying and updating any collection of objects you want, with a few lines of code.

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