WebMatrix Review: Enable Power Users

WebMatrix may not have a place in your toolbox, but it probably does have a place in your organization -- and it's one you should foster.

Surfacing the Visual Basic Templates in WebMatrix

WebMatrix is an exciting new tool for creating ASP.NET Web applications. Unfortunately, Visual Basic developers face an additional challenge because Microsoft only surfaces C# templates. Here's how to get access to the VB templates.

Introducing Practical .NET

Peter Vogel signs off on his last Practical ASP.NET column, as he shifts focus to a new column called Practical .NET, which addresses the broader arena of .NET development.

Productivity Enhancements in ASP.NET MVC 3

Peter Vogel takes a look at Razor and the productivity gains in generating views that ASP.NET MVC 3 provides to developers.

My Biggest ASP.NET Programming Mistake

VSM columnist Peter Vogel builds an ASP.NET application that is too clever by half, and finds himself at odds with the very environment he is supposed to be leveraging.

Kathleen Dollard Delves into ASP.NET MVC 3

This month's Ask Kathleen column answers your questions about the new Razor view engine in Microsoft's Model-View-Controller framework. Part 1 of 2.

Kathleen Dollard Digs Deeper into ASP.NET MVC 3

The second part of this month's Ask Kathleen column on MVC 3 looks at dependency injection and extending parts of the framework. Part 2 of 2.

ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET AJAX

ComponentOne delivers a solid set of business-related controls with all the functionality developers need, but the reporting tools make this suite unique.

My Biggest C# Programming Mistake

C# Corner columnist Patrick Steele recounts an avoidable mistake he made during a transition from WebForms to ASP.NET MVC, and what he learned from his gaffe.

Drawing Conclusions from the jQuery Extensions

Peter Vogel wraps up his review of the jQuery extensions by waxing philosophical about what those extensions mean to the kind of tools that developers should expect.

Implementing Deletes with Template Event Handlers

Peter Vogel implements deletes for rows in a template by adding event handlers to the template. He also looks at a feature of the tmpl plugin that he wasn't able to shoehorn into his sample project. (Part 3 of 4)

Supporting Updates with jQuery Data Linking

Peter extends his AJAX page with jQuery's new data linking technology. This supports letting the user make changes on the client that are passed back to a Web service that updates the database on the server.

Displaying and Filtering Data with jQuery Templates

Building on the new jQuery extensions for displaying multiple rows, Peter builds a page that retrieves data from a Web Service based on the user's input -- and filters the data in the client as well.

Developer Tips: Making the SharePoint Transition

ASP.NET developers can have trouble finding their way through the SharePoint maze, because much of what they know is wrong. Here's a baker's dozen of tips to lead you in the right direction.

Setting Up for jQuery Templates

Peter Vogel prepares to try out the new jQuery templating/databinding functionality to create a simple AJAX-enabled page that allows the user to select a customer and retrieve from a Web service all the orders associated with that customer.

Platforms Question: Silverlight and ASP.NET

Peter Vogel reviews the decision that organizations will have to make in choosing between Silverlight and ASP.NET.

Microsoft Releases Free 'Express' Version of IIS

Microsoft this week released a free version of its Internet Information Server (IIS) Web server, called IIS Express 7.5.

Encrypting the WebConfig (A Return)

Peter Vogel returns to encrypting web.config files in subfolders and encrypting non-standard sections. Sort of everything you wanted to know about encrypting the web.config file but were afraid someone would tell you.

.NET Survival Guide: Web and RIA Development

Microsoft's latest announcements make it clear that, when it comes to delivering applications over the Web, the choices for the .NET developer are ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC.

Inside Developer Express DXperience ASP.NET

The award-winning component suite is a powerful tool for ASP.NET app development.

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