
Working with Enumerated Values in Entity Framework

If you decide on using an Enum with enumerated values in your Entity Framework class, here are the tools you'll need to make it work. But an enumerated value shouldn't be your first choice.

Shortcuts for Defining Anonymous Objects in C# and VB

Here are two ways to save some typing when defining anonymous objects. One only works in Visual Basic, though.

Visual Studio Tools for Tizen on Preview 2

Tizen is an open source app platform targeting mainly Samsung devices, from televisions, to phones, to wearables. Yep, there's a Visual Studio Tool for that, and it's on its second preview.

Pattern Matching in C# 7.0 Case Blocks

Welcome to the 21st century, C#, now that case blocks support a variety of pattern-matching formats.

Data Clustering Using R

Find the patterns in your data sets using these Clustering.R script tricks.

More Cool Stuff in TypeScript 2.0 and 2.1

A roundup of a few more features: deprecated any type, literal datatypes, read-only properties, more!

Update: Visual Studio 2017 RC 3 Is Re-Released

The third release candidate of the venerable, all-encompassing and integrated Microsoft developer platform has been re-released after being pulled for a short time due to reports of developer machines crashing due to an odd installation issue.

Build Your Own ASP.NET Cache with WeakReferences

You want to keep an object around only as long as you have memory available, do ya? Then you need the WeakReference class.

Enforce Referential Integrity Between Documents in Marten

Marten is PostgreSQL-based, so take advantage of relational features where it makes sense. Here's an example.

Dealing with Complexity with DTOs and Command Objects

Peter starts off with a perfectly good solution to a problem but then complicates the problem . . . and ends up moving to a different design pattern. While on that journey he has some best practices around designing Data Transfer Objects.

Windows 10 Devs Can Check Out Windows 10 Creators Update SDK

A not-ready-for-production preview, which contains updates and additions to the Windows namespace, is available for testing to Windows Insiders members.

What's So Great About Tuples?

String functions, integer functions ... booorrring! Tuples in C# 7.0 -- let's explore what makes them infinitely more exciting.

Create a UWP-Based ChatBot Using the Microsoft Bot Framework Direct Line API

Chatbots are the new mobile application. In this article, Nick demonstrates how you can integrate a bot right into your Universal Windows Platform app via the Microsoft Bot Framework Direct Line API.

Chain of Responsibility and Adapting to Change in Complex Apps

As a company's problems continue to become more complicated, your code will become more complicated. Peter shows how refactoring code can lead you to better designs.

Getting to the File You Want in Visual Studio's Editor Window

Peter gets an improved tip from one reader and some more tips from another, all designed to navigate Visual Studio faster.

You, Too, Can Build Xamarin Apps with F#

Let's break away from C# somewhat and learn how F# is a great fit for crafting mobile applications.

Making Sense of Class Modifiers in C# and Visual Basic

Both are .NET Framework-based, but they don't seem to be speaking the same language.

Visual Studio Code November Build

Last VS Code update of 2016 has hot exit and a number of other code-focused enhancements and improvements.

R Language OOP Using S3

The S3 OOP model is still widely used, so let's use write S3-style OOP code via the R language.

Providing Multiple Solutions to a Problem

Sometimes life is like playing Whack-a-Mole: You write some code that solves a problem, and then someone comes along and makes the problem harder. Here's how to continuously integrate new solutions without having to rewrite your old solutions (much).

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