
A Mort by Any Other Name …

A take on one reason why VB is getting overlooked.

Readers Weigh in: VB Is Least Among Equals

Your comments on whether Microsoft really does treat VB like a second-class language.

Codejock Adds XAML Support to Component Suite

Codejock Technologies offers improved toolkits to Visual C++ and ActiveX developers.

Building Bridges

Codemesh bridges the Java-to-.NET gap at Deutsche Post.

New MFC Library

Modernize the look of your native Windows apps.

Least Among Equals

Is VB treated poorly compared to C#? Readers weigh in.

Microsoft Plans MSDN Revamp

Microsoft is finally tuning up its Microsoft Developer Network site and promises to resolve long-running frustrations developers have encountered working with it.

The Return of Ada

Last fall, contractor Lockheed Martin delivered an update to the Federal Aviation Administration's next-generation flight data air traffic control system -- ahead of schedule and under budget, which is something you don't often hear about in government circles.

Borland Debuts Silk 2008 Test Suite

The refreshed offerings mark a significant evolution in the Silk family, originally acquired by Borland in the 2006 purchase of Segue Software.

Is VB the Least Among Equals?

VB.NET gets left behind (again), this time by the Windows Live team.

Treat Code as Data

Take advantage of new features in C# 3.0 that let you treat code as data -- and save time over more traditional, imperative approaches to programming.

Mono Project To Release Dev Tool and New Beta

Novell, a sponsor of the open source Mono project, issued an announcement today that a new development tool, called MonoDevelop 1.0, will be available for download at the end of this week.

New Microsoft Programming Language: 'D'?

All About Microsoft's Mary Jo Foley is reporting that Redmond is working on a new declarative programming language, currently named "D."

Get RAD with ASP.NET Extensions

This month's featured downloads include the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview, Visual Basic 9.0 language specification document and more.

The End of the Language Wars

.NET developers, regardless of whether they use VB or C#, realize that the .NET platform is far more important than the language they choose.

Capture Variables with Closures

Learn to pass anonymous types outside the method in which they're created; take advantage of closures when working with lambda expressions; drilldown on overloading; initialize static fields properly; and see where KeyedCollections improve performance.

C# vs. VB Adoption

Is C# really gaining ground against VB? Readers weigh in.

On-Demand Pioneer

Salesforce.com's Steve Fisher talks about development beyond CRM.

February's New Tools and Apps for Your Toolkit.

A look at: Kaxaml 1.0, SubSonic 2.1, SapphireSteel Software, Subkismet.

Microsoft's F# Functional Language

A functional programming language built for the .NET Framework

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